Can I Use My Gp32 On A Plane?

If you get into a spot of bother, just wind (actually, I think they're electric on modern beasts of the sky) down the plane window and throw your GP32 out.
zenjiki posted on Aug 16 2004 at 01:53 PM said:
Hey, did you guys know that most of electronics like a gameboy, gp32, cd player, cell phone, really don't interfere with any of the intruments on the plane. My friend who is a pilot told me this, he also said that the main reason for not letting people use these this is for safety issue.

For example, something goes wrong during a take off or landing, and you have your cd player on full blast, you can't hear, so you won't be able to follow directions. Pretty much, these things are distraction, that in emergencies could cause injuries.
That sounds on point. My iPod has absolutely no external wireless communication features, yet it was banned along with everything else - laptop, GP32, walkman, Gameboy. Call me a jerk if you want but I listened to the iPod regardless. I just hid it under the tray and used the headphones they give you for listening to the radio; no steward or stewardess noticed. The plane didn't crash.
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yeah i used mine to play miniputt on a quick flight from plymouth to edinburgh. Put it down to buy a sandwich from the trolley dolly - nothing was said. :D

My PDA crashed on the way back thought - totally froze - was fine again when i landed :huh:
The issue with RF is not that it will make the plane crash directly, it's that it COULD interfere with various instrumentation and radio transmissions in an emergency situation.

Also, I know it may sound TERRIBLE, but cant people here survive a few hours without their favorite gadget if they are told to for safety's sake?

Just wondering! :rolleyes:
I used to get into massive arguments with idiot members of the public who would use mobile phones on the petrol station forcourt that I worked at...

While its unlikely petrol vapor is gonna be ignited by some nob head Rep's phone.. there is a slim stastic that it can happen. If it does happen the risk is certain DEATH.

When petrolium ignites - it kinda EXPLODES.

So hede the warnings - they are their for your own safety - infact bugger you, they are there for MINE!
I'm pretty sure that I heard one time that cell phones don't have much risk for instruments etc, but it cuts off a signal for those below you. For the same reason, you cannot use them in hot air balloons, supposedly.
Bobsonsirjonny posted on Aug 16 2004 at 10:39 PM said:
I used to get into massive arguments with idiot members of the public who would use mobile phones on the petrol station forcourt that I worked at...

While its unlikely petrol vapor is gonna be ignited by some nob head Rep's phone.. there is a slim stastic that it can happen. If it does happen the risk is certain DEATH.

When petrolium ignites - it kinda EXPLODES.

So hede the warnings - they are their for your own safety - infact bugger you, they are there for MINE!
we did a test in science

involving a liquid i cant remember the name of

the techer had to ring the phone about 50 time, but it was right in the liquid and sparked
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Has anyone seen brainaic science abuse? They proved that 14 mobile phones cannot make a caravan full of petrol explode! :lol:

'twas a funny program.
One of them blew himself up with liquid oxygen though :unsure:
Axeman posted on Aug 16 2004 at 11:28 PM said:
Also, I know it may sound TERRIBLE, but cant people here survive a few hours without their favorite gadget if they are told to for safety's sake?

Just wondering! :rolleyes:
There's a line to be drawn. In the case of an emergency, people in the toilet won't be able to get to the oxygen masks* in time, so we should probably straight-jacket people to the chairs, it's only for a few hours for SAFETY'S SAKE.

*you can probably get masks from the toilets, but there are other places on the plane e.g. queuing for the toilets or walking from your seat to another.
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I used my Gp32 on a SUPPOSED flight to America. We ended up in Japan but it was still a nice trip and i've almost beaten Breath of Fire.
Rico posted on Aug 17 2004 at 06:31 AM said:
Axeman posted on Aug 16 2004 at 11:28 PM said:
Also, I know it may sound TERRIBLE, but cant people here survive a few hours without their favorite gadget if they are told to for safety's sake?

Just wondering! :rolleyes:
There's a line to be drawn. In the case of an emergency, people in the toilet won't be able to get to the oxygen masks* in time, so we should probably straight-jacket people to the chairs, it's only for a few hours for SAFETY'S SAKE.

*you can probably get masks from the toilets, but there are other places on the plane e.g. queuing for the toilets or walking from your seat to another.
That gives me an idea... maybe they should have an O2 mask in the toilet whenever the plane is in the air, so you don't need to hold your breath when going... :P :lol:
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This is really intresting :lol:
I will soon start my new project: "GP32 Flight Kidnapper 2004" wich will give you a realistic experience of steering a plane with your GP32 while trying to navigate by the view through a side window (until i implemet the cockpit camera view).
I just wonder to which key i should map the oxygen masks :rolleyes:
Sadly, for the "Ultimate realism mode" you will need the RF- link and you would have to sit near the cockpit of a real plane, but that would be worth it :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blink: