Can Anyone Send Me Free Launcher


Still Fresh
Jul 20, 2004
the english download page is down
could someone please send me free launcher?

many thanks

chimpxp posted on Jul 20 2004 at 12:30 PM said:
so what can i do?
do i just have to wait for the site to come back online?
You can do it on IRC. Follow the bit from "The second way - Registering via IRC" on this page. Post here if you don't know how to use IRC.
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i've managed to register at joygp, so i can download some things....but i still can't use freelauncher
Just a quick question, before I suggest heading off to IRC as is everyone else. Are you certain you need it?

You only need the Freelauncher if your GP32 boots into a mostly yellow screen with three option to choose from (PC-Link, Games, MP3) as opposed to a mostly blue-white screen with two (PC-Link, Games), or with a menu that pops up if you hold SELECT when turning it on with Pacrom or Wind-ups as options as well as the official f/w. Basically, if you bought the GP32 from GBAX or from Lik-Sang (recently), it shouldn't need it. Also shouldn't need it if its a BLU.

Just worth pointing out since someone who was deseprately trying to get the freelauncher working popped up a few days ago, managed it, and then realised it wasn't needed for his GP32...

Anyways, if it is needed, just head on over to IRC. #GP32 is the place to get it encrypted. If you can't manage that, try asking there for help, and if no-one says anything, go to #gp32dev to ask again.