Cafepress shop?


Jun 12, 2008
I think that the Open Pandora team should have a shop on selling various items with the logo and website URL. Could be a great way to add cash to the dev fund (I'm behind the idea of a single central fund which rewards developers) and spread the word.
The openpandora team have stores, private stores. Why would they go to cafepress?

Not that it's not a stupid idea anyway
Kyosys said:
The openpandora team have stores, private stores. Why would they go to cafepress?

Not that it's not a stupid idea anyway
No risk of monetary loss if nothing sells. No need to handle the production of the items themselves. For a small group like this Cafepress can be a very safe idea indeed.
Peter R said:
Kyosys said:
The openpandora team have stores, private stores. Why would they go to cafepress?

Not that it's not a stupid idea anyway
No risk of monetary loss if nothing sells. No need to handle the production of the items themselves. For a small group like this Cafepress can be a very safe idea indeed.
That's a good point, but I still don't see the big point in having pandora mugs. I doubt they would sell much
Mug maybe not. T-shirt or hoodie with the Pandora symbol on the front and on the back: hell yes.