"Very" Old Timer
OK I've seen these for Atari consoles but I didn't know they existed for the c64 
see here for details.
see here for details.
Well its only out in NTSC format through a shopping channel at the moment. The sound is apparently not very well emulated and it's had a lot of negative feedback. For more viewpoints, there are a couple of threads in the forums at about iy (you will have to register to view them and do a search for 'DTV' or 'Tulip').
Also, Tulip have sold the name to another company now - I feel that the Commodore name is being devalued.
Oh well. I've still got Frodo on the GP hehe.
Oh well. I've still got Frodo on the GP hehe.
gah. also they didn't put wizard of wor in it.
They only bought the rights of (IIRC) two companies games (Epyx and Hewson), which explains why there are certain games on it. (In fact theey were selling game downloads from their site, which is about as good as a chocolate teapot!).
it would be better if someone would hack it to accept a flash card