Pandora C# For Pandora?


May 3, 2008
Sorry for nub question but is conding in c# for pandora possible?
I know it uses .NET but maybe there's some compilers that could compile withot .NET or something?
B-ZaR said:
Mono is what you seek. No idea about availability on pandora, or feasibility of a port.

Mono is available for pandora and is packaged in some PND.
But mono jit on arm make java look as fast as custom assembly written by Exophase.
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Geca said:
Please where is the mono PND ?
There is no mono PND, but you could find the mono runtime in this PND. (including requiered headers and others dev requierements)

GuchaRU said:
Can you please be a little more specific on what I should do?
As I understand I need to install these tools for visual studio that will allow me to use their custom compiler, right? But I couldn't find any info about compilation to linux arm...
Maybe there's some article about that or info somewhere where I can read?

Just like java, .net isnt running the real hardware but within a VM. You dont compile to x86 or ARM but for this VM bytecode (which is the same on x86 and ARM)
All you need is the mono runtime (see my reply to Geca)
What you read is about the (slight) differences between the official .net and what mono provide.

I'm sorry I cant help you more as I'm not a .net developper.
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GuchaRU said:
Oh, I think I got it. So I just need use mono compiler to get "mono exe" thingi and then when I assemble pnd I just need to include mono runtime along with it, right?
that's it
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