By the way.. games database 2.1


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I updated the games database the other day to 2.1; it includes mccyrl's (sp) D-Bug update (thanks!).

Someone give it a shot :)

Jeff, I need your opinion..

In my point of view, it doesn't look like the Compatibility website is usefull enough for people to report on.... I wonder if it is because its to much of a pain to give a percentage on each category.. Should there only be like 3 categories? Video, Sound, Overall ? And not percentages? maybe like Great, So-So, and Has Issues. I don't know. Just trying to figure it out . :)

Well, it needs definition, and maybe needs to be different for each platform; what is "text"? for instance.

I think you need more %age.. a 90%.. peopel put 100% for perfect, and the next one available is 75.. I lik e90% myself :)

But peopel need guidance.. what is 75%?

But I dunno.. people are in general unmotivated.. they just want to play. We know this from how many peopel will actually add to the games database.. we've got msot of our content from me and ldaneel and mccyril and sticky.. maybe a couple others (sorry!).. so a handfull of peopel doing all the work. People are lazy :)

How to fix? I dunno..

Is it being used for the PSX side?

not a ton.. (PSX) It seems its easier for them to type out a "yeah it works for XX" in the forum thread than go to the site. lol. Yeah.. Maybe it could use some instruction :) And I was thinking about just letting someone type in the percentage (0-100) instead, for each cat.
hello folks, just back from hols.

set a new high score of 890,000+ for Pang! whilst in the air at 32,000ft (will post it tomorrow). :ph34r:

my thoughts are still that the CRC DB and GAMELIST should be tied together somehow, i vote for less categories, more percentages. and being able to add a rating after searching for a game (as it is, you search for a game, to see if it's there and then you have to do another search through the list to add a review).
