Now can we all be a little more enthusiastic please.....
Ok, I will try to be more helpful.
Since it won't get made if no one preorders, if you want one in the future it may be in your best interest to preorder early.
Prototype units are being sent to people to work on software. This will include emulators and ports, so some games should be available when you get it in your hands, even if you preorder. Not everything will be ported at launch, that is true, but if the Pandora is any indication things will continue to be ported until late into the life of the Pyra. Also, the people working on software are very receptive and helpful.
@ptitSeb spends about 36 hours of every day porting stuff, so you will probably have some of the more popular stuff he brought to us available immediately, or pretty quickly.
As for advice, don't be intimidated by Linux (if you don't have experience with it). While you shouldn't have a need to mess around behind the scenes in one of those scary terminals, it is not a bad thing to use. We can help you, and a lot of general information is out there if you want to give it a shot.
If you have more specific questions feel free to ask them.