I think it should be an option that pops up when you start the first time (only the first time), and whatever the user chooses is saved as default for later (but it should be possible to change this default, somewhere).
Tempel said:
Oh, I think that would be a hassle. I'd either have to hook in to libpnd or call a shell script to do the changing; much more than adding one line to the PXML generator. Besides, I thought that launching an app with specified clockspeed would automatically ask for confirmation. Granted, it doesn't save the result and asks every time (or so I vaguely recall), so maybe that would be irritating. But so would having to remember to change it manually before every run.
Actually, it already does that
If you set the clockspeed in the PXML, when you run it you're presented with a dialog and a bunch of options along the lines of "This application is setting the clock speed, would you like to (A)accept for now, (B)accept and never ask again, (C)reject, (D)reject and never ask again, (E)custom set it"
I forget the exact options and I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but that's the gist of it; libpnd (as of HF4 at least) takes care of all the magical hooking and stuff for you.