broken file


Oct 18, 2003
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I was trieng to install the snow white demo and when i looked at my gp32 the usb was partially out. Now i have the snow folder but the pc link says it cant remove it. And when i tried to remove it w/ my comps smc reader/ writter it said it was currupted. Does anyone know how to remove that file so i could install it again? or else ill have to keep this currupted folder in my smc! <_<
hmm 2 ways
if you have a card reader try it with your operating system
if you dont have one go in pclink mode and press select that will start smc recovery funktion
Have u got a camera or anythin else that uses smc cards ?

BTW :Back up , back up, back up!oh and back up.

Its pissed me off coz i formattd my c:\ today and i forgot all about this gp32 magazine ui was gonna send in but fuck that off the christmas release will now be never unless anyone knows how to recover seing as i formatted it its impossible. :(
you could copy across all the files and folders that are not corrupt, re-format it, then copy them all back again.

Im sur I have seen several programs to recover 'deleted' files, but im not sure if they work after a format.