British Meet-up News....


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
Visit site
The venue for the British GP32x board meetup has been decided! The landlord of the Rummer pub in Bath has kindly donated his upstairs function room for us for the day. It's about 5 minutes walk from the train/bus station, so no-one will have to walk far.

THere's a bar, so those who want to drink will have no problems there. We have exclusive use of the room, so anyone who is worried about looking like a complete fool cheering on someone in an RF game will need to worry no more :D

More news to follow soon about stuff happening on the day and more goodies (hopefully), so stay tuned to the site at for all the latest info.
the americans with gameboy advance sp systesm are fat and lazy, but the ones with gp32 aren't lazy, and i'm not fat. <_< <_< <_<
Looks really good! Now slap up a map of it, and a guide on how to reach it, and you'll get a cookie...! 

No sooner said than done....

You American AP? :P

BTW - the beard came off for a week or so a while back - but I saw the light, and now it's reinstated in all it's ginger-hued glory...
yeah I'm from amaerica so that means that I will not have the chance to witness the awesomness that is axemans beard in real life but I hope you guys have a blast.
Just got an email saying _counter is coming for a holiday to the UK at that time, so he's gonna try and make it too :D

He says he has a half-speed Genesis smu to show off... another reason to be there :P

Getting closer!

i think that i will bring along my other handheld systems to the meet up just to show you guys how the emus compare to the real thing

Sega Game Gear
Neo-Geo Pocket Color (you are welcome to suggest what games i should bring)
WonderSwan Crystal
TurboExpress16 (PC Engine GT)
(The almighty) Sega Nomad (Genesis)
And maybe a couple of GameBoys (also open to game suggestions)

on a side note does anyone know if craig from is coming to the meet up as im sure people would be more likely to buy gp32 products from him if 1 they can see them and 2 they dont have to pay shipping it would be a great shame if he doesnt go as he would miss out on a good sales opprtunity
Blimey - just looked up the sega nomad on google....

Never even heard of it! Did this one pass me by or what!!!???

Looks cool, and at £86 from Lik-sang, it's tempting....

What's the battery life like?
You'd get more gameplay out of throwing the batteries you were planning to use out of the window......nah it's not that bad about 3hours on fresh purchase batteries and a bit longer on recharge, you can buy battery packs on ebay quite often for a wee sum.
It lasted 3 hours, but the only problem was that it used 6 batteries at a time ;)

Oh and I'd also like to say, I can't come cause im in America, but I might be able to send you some squirel pie, cause that's what us American's are know for (and cousin loving).
Hehe - I've been on a driving tour of the US - visited 27 states. There are indeed some bizarre people :P Found that out when we broke down in an Oklahoma truck stop for a night!

Was a cool 7 weeks though! :D
if your gonna buy a nomad from lik-sang they do not come with battery boxes which hold 6aa's although they do work off of a mains adaptor for a megadrive2

btw i managed to get ahold of a flashcard for the megadrive (not a backup unit but flash card) if any1 would like to know more pm me

also axeman you would be surprised of how many different versions of the megadrive/genesis there are