Bricked Gp2x - Please Help!


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2007

I just bricked my gp2x.
A firmware install messed up - now I just get the white screen with the coloured lines when I switch on.
This is my own stupid fault! I really want to get it fixed but wont have any breakout boxes
in stock until May. Gutted. Can anyone help me out? Or does anyone have any ideas? I live in the UK.

Thanks for looking.
If you can't get a bob to fix it, you can either try building an ext to Jtag cable yourself, or, you can ask Craig/(place here any other great GP2Xer of the many on this board and are located in UK) if it is ok that you send it to him so he can unbrick it for you.
Is there anyone here from the UK who would be willing to unbrick my gp2x?
I would pay the postage and something for your trouble, since otherwise I will have to buy a BoB anyway.
I appreciate your help.
• How do you know it's bricked, and not just dead/weak batteries?
• What steps, in great detail please, did you take in updating your FW?

Help us help you™
• How do you know it's bricked, and not just dead/weak batteries?
I have tried it with a couple different sets of fresh 2500s - no dice. When turned on the screen goes
white, and then bars of different colours fade in.

• What steps, in great detail please, did you take in updating your FW?
I placed all the files from the 2.0 firmware onto the SD card and booted up
while holding the start and select buttons.
It loaded the black 'updating firmware' screen, then the green 'loading' screen came up
and then it went to the 'patching' screen. After a few moments half of this box disappeared.
I left it on this screen for a while, but I figured it had crashed so I switched it off.
When I turned it back on I just get the white and lines.

Thank-you for helping!
Have you tried to re-install the FW? It seems like the batteries may have died during the update.
TelcoLou posted on Mar 24 2007 at 12:35 AM said:
Have you tried to re-install the FW? It seems like the batteries may have died during the update.

Correct me if I am wrong but I can't reinstall the firmware from an SD card because I don't get any boot-up screens. I believe the only way to reinstall the firmware now is to write directly to the bios from a PC with a JTAG... and since I can't get hold of a JTAG I need someone to help me out with this.
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