Book on Retro Electronic Handheld Games


Hardcore Member
Jan 23, 2011
For those of you like myself who are fans of the old retro Electronic Handheld games. A book is up on Indiegogo which catalogs and discusses them with great internal & external pics . The guy that put the book together is a forum member on  It took him 2 years to put the book together.

IF this is your cup of tea, check it out here:
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interesting alright. I think it was some handheld that i played my first game on or it may have been on a ship arcade.hmm idea for a thread incoming... in 3 2 1.
Must admit the book looks to be well put together with quality photos and presentation.  
Looks good alright.

I have a big coffee-table type book on handhelds from around 2000/2001 iirc, produced by a guy who runs (ran?) a website with an extensive gallery of machines - I'm wondering if there's some connection here. It didn't have the diagrams, but it had excellent pictures. Must go dig that up.