Boards so busy now


Still Fresh
Apr 18, 2003
I was just looking back at the beginning of this board and theres been like 500 post in amazingly short period of time (about 50 pages ish?) and keeps going up and up. Does this coincide with anything?

From what i understand GP32 has been around for a while i was just wondering why its gotten so popular in the past 3 months or so.

Word of mouth yes or maybe these articles in magazines im just glad i found out :)
hehe true true i just find it amazing its happened so fast (end of feb march)
I got it from the b3ta newsletter that I happened upon by accident, and then there was the /. article. Both happened around then.
It was indeed the b3ta newsletter and the review i posted that did it. My review got something like 50,000 hits in less than a week, THEN b3ta linked it, THEN Slashdot!

And its going to be in at least 10 magazines in the next 2 months, so its going to get even bigger = more devs = one seriously cool situation :)

its the equation mindar was on about

1 new owner = 1 new dever/advertiser/web site creator = more interest = new owners = new devers/advertiser/ web site creators and so forth :D
One of the things that got the most people was the amiga post by axeman on an amiga message board.
Also it seems the bigest selling point, emulation, is only just recently becoming viable with speed, sound compatability issues getting sorted this is getting it press, more ppl are hearing about it and going "bloody hell thats the dogs..."
Yeh ill be hanging round here like a fly round .... well you know the rest. Until my unit gets here then ill only pop in when i have a problem begging for answers :P
Well AFAIK I haven't attracted anyone, I've just succeded in showing the weak points of the GP32 to everyone and none on my "friends" are close to buying it.
rcx21000 posted on May 21 2003 said:
Well AFAIK I haven't attracted anyone, I've just succeded in showing the weak points of the GP32 to everyone and none on my "friends" are close to buying it.
Weak points ?
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JDUK posted on May 21 2003 said:
rcx21000 posted on May 21 2003 said:
Well AFAIK I haven't attracted anyone, I've just succeded in showing the weak points of the GP32 to everyone and none on my "friends" are close to buying it.
Weak points ?
Battrey life, can't share games, have to connect to comp, and most things are still beta.
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10 hours battery life is good
you can share games if you buy them off of liksang
you don't have to connect it to you're computer, just get a smc card reader
all the betas are better then the gba things already... well almost all of them (lazy people programming gb for gp32)
craigix posted on May 21 2003 said:
It was indeed the b3ta newsletter and the review i posted that did it. My review got something like 50,000 hits in less than a week
yep, it was indeed YOUR REVIEW on your site that literally INSTANTLY convinced me and my 2 colleagues to purchase one each within minutes of hearing about it's emulation capabilities for the first time :D

thanx for the speedy delivery too ;)
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Meonlyeviler posted on May 22 2003 said:
10 hours battery life is good
you can share games if you buy them off of liksang
you don't have to connect it to you're computer, just get a smc card reader
all the betas are better then the gba things already... well almost all of them (lazy people programming gb for gp32)
I gotta agree, those points do adress your problems.
But there'll always be problems with consoles, I actually prefer mentioning the flaws, it's a good way to make something better...
The thing is, the Nintendo community is mostly made up of "hardcore fans" that could never see anything wrong with any of their products, so it's harder to hear about the flaws...
So that makes the Gameboy flawless and a GP32 flawFUL.
Just think about the fact that we're a critical intelligent community dealing with (mostly) a brainless fanatic community...
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So far as sharing games is concerned, it could easily be sorted out if JoyGP allowed users to encrypt by SMCID as well as by GPUID.

Then again, since the majority of good stuff is free, who'd need to :) ?