Blu And Flu Screen Compatible?


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003

is it possible to swap the screens between a FLU and a BLU?
because i have a FLU (250MHz) and have the chance of getting a broken BLU console. if the BLU screen is still ok, i would like to put it in my FLU.

has anyone opened both consoles and can say, if everything is the same except the screens?
i mean, it should be possible, but maybe the BLU is thicker and won't fit correctly, or something....
i know nothing about the screen spec but i think it will be hard (the power alimentation may not be the same due to the back light) .
But i have a question : if it is possible, is it possible too with a blu+ because the bios is different
i think, BLU and FLU have the same board. the FLU gets the power from the batteries and is using just one resistor. i thinkt the BLU has a similar solution.....
I had a FLU then a BLU, and they both looked to be the same dimensions, but I don't know about the insides. I can't bring myself to take my BLU apart! The BLU is certainley heavier though I found.

...bit of a pointless post I just made there really! :rolleyes:
0-bake posted on Apr 8 2005 at 05:54 PM said:

in wich way different? really complete different boards?

Yes, half of the PC board is completly different as well as the connector to the LCD itself.

The best way to get a backlit screen is to sell your FLU and get a BLU I am afraid.
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0-bake posted on Apr 8 2005 at 05:54 PM said:

in wich way different? really complete different boards?

why dont you keep your 250mhz FLU? the Blu screen is not so better ;)

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Aiken posted on Apr 8 2005 at 09:58 PM said:
0-bake posted on Apr 8 2005 at 05:54 PM said:

in wich way different? really complete different boards?

why dont you keep your 250mhz FLU? the Blu screen is not so better ;)


Oh, But it is. Might be worth keeping the 250mhz Flu though. Unless your willing to sell it. First refusal please if you are. :rolleyes:

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0-bake posted on Apr 8 2005 at 08:04 AM said:

is it possible to swap the screens between a FLU and a BLU?
because i have a FLU (250MHz) and have the chance of getting a broken BLU console. if the BLU screen is still ok, i would like to put it in my FLU.

has anyone opened both consoles and can say, if everything is the same except the screens?
i mean, it should be possible, but maybe the BLU is thicker and won't fit correctly, or something....

Pardon my n00bity, but how the HELL did you aquire a 250MHz FLU!!?? Just bought my first GP a week ago (BLU+), and it refuses to function anywhere past 144MHz :unsure: .

~ :ph34r:
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Shin00bi posted on Apr 9 2005 at 04:53 AM said:
0-bake posted on Apr 8 2005 at 08:04 AM said:

is it possible to swap the screens between a FLU and a BLU?
because i have a FLU (250MHz) and have the chance of getting a broken BLU console. if the BLU screen is still ok, i would like to put it in my FLU.

has anyone opened both consoles and can say, if everything is the same except the screens?
i mean, it should be possible, but maybe the BLU is thicker and won't fit correctly, or something....

Pardon my n00bity, but how the HELL did you aquire a 250MHz FLU!!?? Just bought my first GP a week ago (BLU+), and it refuses to function anywhere past 144MHz :unsure: .

~ :ph34r:

It was either total luck or he or someone had it volt modded. Thats how the GP32 is, Totally random (but they all go at least 133mhz). You could order two GP32`s from somewhere, Test one and only just get 133mhz out of it. You could then test the other one and that could reach 256mhz for now particular reason. In actual fact, There is a couple of people that have units that go 250-256mhz, And quite a few that can go at least 200mhz.

Btw, Gbax do offer a guaranteed 166mhz version for a little extra money, Which is what i `ve got, And can actually go to 172mhz stable and 176mhz for around 10 minutes.

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i ordered mine 1.5 years ago, just because i herd it can play C64 games. i didn't knew much about it.

it was just luck that mine can clock so high. i can run the clockspeed-tester at 250MHz till i get bored. and yes, even clocking emus this high works fine.

now i am a bit afraid buying a BLU without knowing how high it can get. i don't want to get a console, which can't go at least at 166.
Here is some of my advice. Just go to GP32z and buy a replacement glass screen for yur FLU. You should see a huge improvement in viewability. They are only $8 and the glass screens are less prone to scratches. :)
i removed the purple layer of my original screen, so i don't bother about a glass screen. and i have absolutely no scratches...

@rockout. have you seen the difference between a BLU and a FLU live?