Bigger Screen


Still Fresh
Nov 30, 2005
I was watching thundercats on the loo this morning (that old british past-time) and I was wondering if gph will release a 2x with a bigger screen like the psp (only not widescreen) -- then I thought of the film Brazil and wondered if I could use a fresnel len (a flat plastic lens normaly used by olds to read small print) -- anyway I found on in a old home arcade console I had in the loft (japanes 5 preset games, 4 bit micro, led display :) ) It works greate - even though the lens I have is tinted and scratched etc. it basicaly make the screen appear the same size of the whole 2x. I'm going to buy a better lens and make a hinged frame to hold it 3" infront of the screen and mounted into the screew points on the back with rubber plugs -- that will let me play games and watch movies down the pub or where ever at a comfortable distance on my > 5" screen :)
Has anyone tryed this before?
Where should can I host the photos I took of my first test?
babbagesmachine posted on Dec 20 2005 at 06:47 PM said:
Has anyone tryed this before?

Yeah, they made a bunch of those for the old GameBoy back in the day.
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It reminds me of the days of the original gameboy. There were a ton of screen magnifiers on the market. I think the screen is fine as it is, but my eyes a pretty good i guess. In my opinion, anything that adds that much additional bulk to the unit is taking away from its portability.
As long as you dont mind that, then it should work out great for you. They sell a lot of lenses like that for reading.
Vimacs- not really its just like holding the screen twice as close but more convenient. you cant see the indevidual pixel components or anything??

Edit: I just take to long to reply :)

Nubie - I probably saw one on the GB but forgot about it thanks.
Images - yer the it looks pretty dodgy now - but I'm confident it could look cool.

I dont think theres any point in doing it for real unless its something I can put in my coat pocket.
I tried my frensels from my DIY projector and it worked pretty well. You can get the screen amazingly big before the pixels are a real problem. As long as you can put up with extra bulk attached to a unit made to be small. Which in my opinion defeats the purpose but to each his own.
Maybe your right Spank but I can think of lots of times when carrying the lens would make sense - I can use it while traveling -- just plonk my 2x on the folding table on a train/plane etc and you can sit back and relax - I always end up talking to people on trains maybe they want to watch the thundercats with me... Or I can show my friends something I downloaded of the web (latest Revelution promo etc) when we're down the pub etc.
they always seemed to distort the screen for me, so I never cared much for them. But whatever works for you is great.

Just don't use it as a substitute for a $10 TV-out cable.
nubie posted on Dec 21 2005 at 02:32 AM said:
Lego engineering at it's finest.
hehe I know - thats why I went into the loft - I thought all my lego got thrown out but no :) I'm planing to build a robot using my ipaq 3600 (running linux) because its old now and I dont mind if I accidently brake it, and some sensors I've scavenged - (IR, mic, webcams, lots of microswitches etc. ) should be fun.
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Ferentix posted on Dec 21 2005 at 07:50 AM said:
Better still... get a TV-Out cable, hook it up to TV... Then put a (ridiculously big and probably prohibitively expensive) magnifying lens over the TV screen :) Cinema sized GP2X action :P

Even better still... connect it to a projector a show it on the side of your house :)

The fresnel lens is a good idea though - especialy when/if the keypad comes out.
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