Beta 4 Of My Non-shooting Game!


Jul 15, 2004
I finally figured out the cod damned problem in my code, it was all cuz of SWITCH not accepting strings on GP32 but it working fine on PC.

Anyway, the combo system is in, the enemies can be slashed and the bullets can be reflected. This is a Fenix game, you will need the Fenix runtime.

The combos are up to 3 hits, any combination of A and B (eg, BBA, AA, ABA, etc).


I hope you like it, BYEEEEE!!

PS: Remember, this is a beta, there are no shiny graphics, you can't die and levels aren't in yet.

PPS: Please post this on the news.

But the ship is hardly (not? :D) visible on my non-lit unit.
And it`s running rather slow, are you using 16 bit mode?
If not, there are to much bullets on screen :D

Couldn`t test really more (not seeing the ship is not much help :P )
switch/case should almost never be used with a string.

ie: A switch/case is used to branch off based on specific value; a string is a ppointer that so happens to point to text content; using a string (pointer) in a switch means you're switchign off the pointer address, not the string content.


This will never work right:

char *p = "foo";

switch ( p ) {

case "grok":

case "foo":


It doesn't make sense at all, though if your compiler switches are set just-so, it might collapse the two "foo" references above to one common pointer (since identical literal strings), but thats purely by luck and not by good code.

For strings, you'd use if-else with strcmp or strncmp or the like, or perhaps pre-calculated hash functions or something.

I already sorted it, that's why it works. I used #define instead since I had everything laid out, I just had to unquote the strings and define integers for each one.

I'll release another beta when backgrounds are in and enemies/bullets have been capped and better organised. I only have a BLU+ to test with, although I could see the ship on my brother's NLU.