Best Video Game Ending

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What are your fav. endings of all time for any video game?? And what games are worth beating?

Mine is a tie between FFXIII and FFX.
my favorite RPG (and probably game) is Lunar legend for GBA (called just Lunar for PSone) it had a great story and a very good ending - i think it was made for the SNES, definately one to emulate!! :D
extremegamer posted on Feb 14 2004 at 07:34 PM said:
What are your fav. endings of all time for any video game?? And what games are worth beating?

Mine is a tie between FFXIII and FFX.
I didn't know FFXIII was already out?

I liked the xenogears ending.
And the Dark Chronicle ending. Let's you play a whole new extra dungon after the story has finished.
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metal gear solid sons of liberty. freaked me out so much the first time i played through, especially late at night in a dark room :unsure:.

The worst ending has to be golden son for the gba :PP. i thought the game had crashed or sumthin, but no i actually had finished it :P.
VirtuaLeech posted on Feb 14 2004 at 09:13 PM said:
extremegamer posted on Feb 14 2004 at 07:34 PM said:
What are your fav.  endings of all time for any video game?? And what games are worth beating?

Mine is a tie between FFXIII and FFX.
I didn't know FFXIII was already out?
It isn't. FFXII isn't even out yet - it's going to be released by the end of the year in Japan.
I guess he meant FFVIII ;)
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Gotta be all the diff endings for chrono trigger... I used to replay the whole game just to get another ending. etc.
I quite liked the ending to Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic when you turn to the dark side. Not as graphically impressive as the CGI endings from Tekkens/FF but the sense of power I felt made me laugh in an evil stereo type fashion - mwhahahahaahaa. :lol:
Mofokubik posted on Feb 14 2004 at 06:45 PM said:
Gotta be all the diff endings for chrono trigger... I used to replay the whole game just to get another ending. etc.
i second that

CT=best game of all time :P
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I dunno I liked the ending to TLoZ:QoT had a cool ending but EVO: Search for eden was a fun game but the ending wasn't that cool too bad it doesn't work for OpenSNES9x
The ending of Alundra was sweet (currently playing it again now that perfect PSX emulation is possible on PC!) especially seeing as it buggers up half your brain just finishing the damn thing.

Oh and even though it is fundamentally a Zelda clone for PSX it is far superior in every way, if only enough people had played it and Psygnosis hadn't collapsed.

Alundra 2 however sucks majorly.....somebody got the 3D bug.
pong...that has a good ending...I WIN...I WIN!!!

oh...oh...spacc invader's....when it end' save the world from the menace from cool's that for an ending!!!!