NazcaBeer Spokesman
ok guys.. I need your input on some best games questions again..
anyways whats the best racer's availible on the GP32 in these categories..
top down racers (ie: micro machines, generally, Karnaaj Rally)
behind view racers - not 3D (ie: Pole position, outrun, F1 Race, Top Gear)
behind view -mode 7 racers - (ie: mario kart, GTAdvance3, Nazca Runners)
behind wiew 3D racers - (ie: Need For Speed Underground GBA, That Rally game someone was making for gp32)
and finally.. best overall racer
also could you give me a brief description of the game as well.
thanks guys for all the help.. also whatever did happen to that rally game, I kept hearing a lot about it untill I got my GP32...anyone have a linky to the website?
anyways whats the best racer's availible on the GP32 in these categories..
top down racers (ie: micro machines, generally, Karnaaj Rally)
behind view racers - not 3D (ie: Pole position, outrun, F1 Race, Top Gear)
behind view -mode 7 racers - (ie: mario kart, GTAdvance3, Nazca Runners)
behind wiew 3D racers - (ie: Need For Speed Underground GBA, That Rally game someone was making for gp32)
and finally.. best overall racer
also could you give me a brief description of the game as well.
thanks guys for all the help.. also whatever did happen to that rally game, I kept hearing a lot about it untill I got my GP32...anyone have a linky to the website?