Best Multiplayer Dreamcast Games


Chop sticks Chop sticks Chops sticks
May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
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I'm looking to get some games for my dreamcast to bring back to uni with me which are the best multiplayer games? I really have no idea i've got virtua tennis 2k2, quake 3 and capcom vs snk 2 any other suggestions???
unreal tournament, its f'in awsome, that and uhh chu chu rocket (i belive that had a multi not sure tho) but definatley unreal, its awsome
My wife loves to play San Francisco Rush 2049 with me, and she's not a gamer at all. It's a fun game, even for newcomers to gaming.

Some people like Ooga Booga, you can play with four people. It's pretty good, but not my cup of tea.

Same with Powerstone, four-player fighting action.

Wacky Racers isn't bad.
The dreamcast handled alot of games. Go look through the ps2 or gamecube section at your local video store, and i garauntee that you'll find at least 5 games for each system that were directly ported from the DC.
i keeo on saying it,
not the best game, but the one evryone forgets
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Be sure to add:

-The King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999
-King of Fighters Evolution (if you only get one KOF, then get this one!)
-Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves
-The Last Blade 2
-Street Fighter III: Third Strike (blows first two out of the water)
-Spawn: In the Demon's Hands

And, ... I forgot the rest, look back here again as I'll update my post later when I can remember the others. There's some good games that have already been mentioned by others, I'm just giving you some additional titles.
unreal tournament, its f'in awsome, that and uhh chu chu rocket (i belive that had a multi not sure tho) but definatley unreal, its awsome
I really second this right now.

Just had a friend over - played unreal on DC with instagib, low gravity and super speed in some canyon with 2 bots... dear god
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