Best looking 2D game


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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What do you think is the most gorgeous 2D game, playable on the pandora.

I really liked treasure hunter g on the SNES


and broken sword

Well, if you're lookinng at emulated games, I abdolutely love the art direction of Yoshi Story (N64). I'm sure there are others, but i can't think of any of them atm.

Of course, 'best looking' can mean many things, from the technically great (which would be the later pseudo-3D N64 and PS1 games) to art direction to personal 'hooks'.
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A few random ones off the top of my head in no particular order:

Comix Zone: Comix Zone.jpg Demons Crest: Demon\'s Crest.jpg Garou: Garou.jpeg Heart Of Darkness: Heart Of Darkness.jpg Oddworld games:Oddwold.jpg Rayman: Rayman.jpg Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) Seiken Densetsu 3.gif Vectorman games: Vectorman 2.gif

Completely subjective of course and there are many more, but these just some random obvious (at least to me) ones that spring to mind.
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Pity I can't say Braid..

I could say Secret of Evermore, though, it's awesome!
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) View attachment 480
I couldn't let you mention Secret of Mana without bringing up Tales of Phantasia (not the prettiest, but the attention to detail in the graphics was nice).

Also, some of the levels in the Donkey Kong Country series were pretty good looking.

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i think Last Blade 2 is a beautiful 2d game on neo geo.

I didn't experienced it on a pandora.. yet, but i'm sure some of the dudes here, with their absolutely exquisite taste ;) , who already have their pandora, will confirm my feeling. :)

big kisses


i think Last Blade 2 is a beautiful 2d game on neo geo.

I didn't experienced it on a pandora.. yet, but i'm sure some of the dudes here, with their absolutely exquisite taste ;) , who already have their pandora, will confirm my feeling. :)

big kisses

To me, all fighting games look the same. Last Blade 2 is one of my favourites to play, though.
For me, the best looking 2D game would be Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3). I always use it to show people how amazingly crisp the pandora display is and I always get the same reaction: "!" :)
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its for sale. its one of the few retail gp2x/wiz games, its been ported to iOS couple months back, theres demos found around the internet for free that are quite easy to find, i think theres even one on openhandhelds, and i think when i tried to purchase it off the website of developer, the gp2x/wiz version link wasnt working/ only the iOS was

ok well a simple google search found me the LINK, now if only i could find least shes always in one castle and doesnt constantly transform into some freakin hopping sorry what are we talking about?
That's right ^

I play on Panda via Ginge. It's awesome! :D

Assuming you now have a Panora...Download Ginge first and then download this.

Note: You have to register as a user and be logged in to download PayBack.
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Thanks, I can't believe I've never heard of this before :blink:

EDIT: FULL VERSION for those who are interested ($10)
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