Best emulators for PC?


Aug 18, 2003
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It's not like i'm a emulation newbie - I've been following the emulation scene for a long time, and it imediately got hold of me. I tend to play old games a lot more than new ones, and thats pretty much why I became a GP32 owner...

Well... after getting introduced to the emulators for the GP, I've also been introduced to systems I never knew anything about earlier... And therefor I'm now looking for which emulators of these systems for PC would be the best choice...
Mainly I'm thinking about the ATARI ST and PC ENGINE...

Sega Master System has really impressed me too. I did'nt know anyone who had one back in the day, but comparing it today with the other systems of that time, it really seems impressive... I really thing the grafix is very near 16 bit-systems.

ofcause the sound of the machine is nowhere near that of the c64 - but then again... What was?

So, could you please give me your best surgestions for PC emulators?
well i use magic engine for pce.... but its 5min trial. well i use the crac.... what? no im not doing this :P i love playing 5min pce :P

ah and MAME rox world :D
Magic Engine is by far the best TurboGrafx-16 (PCE) emulator out there. But the problem is that the guy wants a good chunk of money for it. I think it was like 20USD.

Not sure about other emulators on the PC besides Genecyst, but I could tell you about emulators for the Dreamcast.
Yeah... I pretty much know MAME... and actually it's a similar project I'm working towards, allthough I'm gonna go with a retro-console style instead

There are no PCengine emulator thats some near the commecial one?
well... I think i meant to say "somewhere near the commercial one", but anyway I've searched the net, and saw that theres another one calle Virtual PC-Engine... allthough it doesn't support sound...
In my eyes MAME is THE REAL EMULATOR! So many games and old classics. I cannot get enough! :D

Take a look at my little Arcade Cabinet! It is so great! B)

You'll want to keep a look out for the new Dolphin, ps2 and xbox emulators.
if your just into old stuff go for MAME or RAINE ( MAME is the best imo which stands for multi arcade machine emulator )

Project 64 is a great N64 emulator but just make sure you own the original cartridge if your going to be using this ;) .

Gens is the best mega drive / genesis emu

Zsnes for snes <- also has online option which works great

Meka for sms ( i think its meka or somewhere close )

There is also a dreamcast emu which looks promising one goes by the name of Icarus, though i havent heard any news for months upon months.. until we get full speed is another thing though, be thankful sega made a port of Sonic DX i would have prefered sonic 2 though. oh well

Thats my list B)
racinghorst... that is lovely :D i don't suppose you have a website on how to make one of those? I bought my original arcade stick from ebay months ago, but didn't really know what to build it into... that looks sweet!

Edit : if you've got a fast computer, snes9xw is better than zsnes (but back in the day, damn but zsnes was the boyo...) Yoshi's island is the best game ever, and there's NO CHANCE it's ever gonna emulate decently on GP32...

also nintendo 64 emulators are quality...

and of course MAME...

hehehe i even played a few things on the VIC20 emulator... there's just something perverse in using a 1.8 Ghz machine to emulate a VIC20 with 3 1/2 k RAM :P

i remember once writing a program for the VIC20 full of REM statements... just to run out the memory!

Crappest emulator ever... PINMAME... WTF is the point of that????
One of my favorite Neo Geo CPS1/2 emulators has to be Kawaks. So many video options and great online play.
Thanks for all the feed-back

As said ealier... It's not like i'm unfamilliar with the whole emulation-scene, it just that there are some systems I've only just begun to get to know...

So anybody got a surgestion for a Atari ST-emulator?

MEKA looks interesting, although i've not been to inpressed by multiple system-emulators before (like MESS).

I've also baffled by a project like PinMAME..

Gonna try this HUGO...
I used to be an Amiga-owner myself, and I'm well aware that it's the better system, but none-the-less... I wan't to experiment with the ST to, say figure out how it's green desktop-system works and stuff... It's easier to experiment on PC instead of the GP.

BTW - anyone who has WinUAE should really try AIAB (Amiga In A Box)... It's the ultimate WOW!!-experience... Jaybee's AmigaInABox