Best Atari ST games


arr matey?
May 21, 2008

Following the others i thought it a good idea to create one for the Atari ST as well. And ofcourse, i should start :)

As you can see by my list i was mainly an Arcade fan in those days, and i only listed those i remembered playing and having fun with (recently or 20 years ago ; )

So in completely random order:

* Nebulous - Platform Tower Climbing game, Pretty original, and adicting


* Populous - One of the first God games, you can prepare land for your guys to prosper on, and can lead them into battle. Also earthquakes and floods can be released on your enemies to help the battle

* Chain Reaction (1991) - Puzzle/Strategy, up to 6 human/cpu players, turn based. Very very simple, but soooo much fun


* Buggy Boy - Simple, but very fun racing game with a (beach)buggy


* Joust - Arcade Classic, Fly a birdrider and attack the enemy birdriders from above. Then collect their eggs, watch out for the hand in the lava ;)

* Ninja Mission - Might be nostalgia, but still love this little fighting game


* Eliminator - Shooter with a nice twist


* Mudpies - Another nice arcade game, especially the 2 player mode is very funny


* Turbo Cup - Pretty decent racing game, concidering it's age

* Return of the Jedi - Star Wars shooter


* Pac-Mania - 2.5D Pacman game


* Double Dragon - Classic Beat 'm Up


* Giana Sisters - Platform Mario kinda game


* Elite 2, Frontier - Awesome space exploration and combat game

* Bubble Bobble ofcourse. No, no explanation here. What??? Go Google!!!!

Must be more, but that's about what i can think of right now and/or have on my pandora atm. Skeezix? ;)


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Chip's Challenge - Puzzle - A devious puzzle game with quite a steep difficulty curve, bags of personality, great music, and infuriating addictiveness. You are tasked with helping Nerdy Chip Callahan to solve a collection of maze-like puzzles, in order to be allowed to join Melinda the Mental Marvel's exclusive club, the Bit Busters.
Should link to the gp32x post series we did for all the machines, I think we did pretty well there :)

I can't believe you omitted Dungeon Master and Captive :) (And one of my favourites.. Time Bandits. And Deuteuros and Millenium 2200. And Buggy Boy. And ... long list ;)

My blog entry on Captive:

My blog entry on D/Generation:

My blog entry on SWIV:

My list of ST "canon" -- games ever ST guy should try out:

Random screenshots from my ST emu on Palm OS .. but the screenies may help:

Also see Atari Legends website.

Should link to the gp32x post series we did for all the machines, I think we did pretty well there :)

I can't believe you omitted Dungeon Master and Captive :) (And one of my favourites.. Time Bandits. And Deuteuros and Millenium 2200. And Buggy Boy. And ... long list ;)

My blog entry on Captive:

My blog entry on D/Generation:

My blog entry on SWIV:

My list of ST "canon" -- games ever ST guy should try out:

Random screenshots from my ST emu on Palm OS .. but the screenies may help:

Also see Atari Legends website.


Ack, well can't get them all first try, so many great ones, Buggy boy is definately there though, would not miss that one :) (b.t.w. i just made that jump ; )

Also don't have dungeon master yet, and the timebandits file i have does not work properly with hatari : (

Generally: i added screenshots, all made on the pandora itself :)


Edit: Could not add more screenies to the first post, so 2 more:




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Meh. only 3 people??? saddening

I can't believe you omitted Dungeon Master and Captive :)
Aaaaah, i completely forgot about that one. Never had that game, but my uncle on the other side of the country did. Your screenshot made me remember a weekend of playing nothing else. Thanks!!! Going to find that one somewhere right now.


I much prefer the Amiga version of this (it's the one I own and the only version I've played), but it's a great game so I think I'd better recommend the Atari ST version as well. :P

Sleepwalker - Platformer - This game is what you would get if you put the platform game genre, Lemmings, and Tom & Jerry into a blender. You play as Ralph, a dog whose human, Lee, has a habit of sleepwalking. You have to prevent Lee from getting himself killed overnight. Ralph is invincible, but all sorts of comic mishaps befall him. (This game was originally made as a fundraiser for the British charity Comic Relief. If you like it, it may be worth considering sending them a donation.)
I keep wanting to go back and play Falcon (the flight sim); newer flightsims are of course completely superior in every way.... but one; Falcon had a sense of joy about it, even though striving to be a 'sim' more than 'arcade shooter'; with the memory constraints or whatever, it had only that contived play area, not real-world area. Every flight sim since has gone for real world and guess what -- thats fine for realism, but I like the play-world! Falcon 1 was probabyl the only game where you coudl chase after a train going around tghe map, and even try to swing through an open door on one of the train-cars! I mean, that was seriously awesome for 1987 :)

But the 5fps or whatever, that might just make my eyes bleed nowadays :)

(and probably very hard to play on a mobile .. ie: probably need a full keyboard.)

Meh. only 3 people??? saddening

Aaaaah, i completely forgot about that one. Never had that game, but my uncle on the other side of the country did. Your screenshot made me remember a weekend of playing nothing else. Thanks!!! Going to find that one somewhere right now.



Well this might not be exactly the right place, but i can't get Captive to run on Hatari :( I tried a normal St file for captive (get 4 bombs), and also a version from a medway boys disk (2 bombs), are there any settings i can adjust or something? really would like to try it.


Colonial Conquest! Played that for hours and hours day after day with friends when I still had time to waste 72 hours straight on a computer game (well as soon as we couldn't wake the first one to fall over up we'd take a nap but the first one to wake would wake the rest again :lol: ) whilst punishing my body with junkfood, booze and cannabis.

Oh the times we had..*sigh*
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MArkoeZ -- really?

Captive _is_ always trouble (I suffered many an hour trying to get it to work in my own emu, they do some nasty in there :) , but Hatari is a very capable emu; I thought it had no problem :) Try some other crack groups or a good solid rip of the original. I'll have to give it a shot.

One of these days I need to do disk-renames of all my floppies, so I know what the hell is on them all :) A_133.ST doesn't really help anyone. (In my own emu I had it try to guess whats on the image based on cRCs and a built up database, etc.) I may have to add to Hatari that it can pick up a .txt file with a list of whats on each disk, or perhaps just make a sh-script that renames files to nice long filenames with whats on them (TOSEC style.)

Off the top of my head, sorry if any repeats


Rick Dangerous

Leisure Suit Larry or any Sierra Adventure

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Out of This World

North and South


Rainbow Islands, the Sequel to Bubble Bobble

Prince of Persia



Maniac Mansion

I had floppy boxes with literally countless games. I was 7 years old and learned to read playing Leisure Suit Larry. I also learned about the Birds and the Bees that way...
Atari ST is my favourite computer ever. I owned one when I was about 15, and I still have fond memories of the countless nights I spent on them.

From the top of my head, in no particular order, these are the games any fan of strategy / RPG games should play on a ST emulator:

* Dungeon Master / Chaos Strikes Back. Best RPG ever. I could play them with my eyes closed.

* Pirates! (by Sid Meier) all the recent clones and ports have never been as good as the original. I spent more time on Pirates! than anything else in my life.

* Colonial Conquest - as said previously

* Imperium - a great strategy game (think Master of Orion, plus you can manage your generals, governors, etc., and even make them immortal by drugging them!)

* Millenium 2.2

* Balance of Power 1986 (play as USSR of course!)

* Defender of the Crown - invade your neighbours, fight them in tournaments, hire Robin Hood for help, save and marry the princess, become king.

* Armageddon Man - play as united nations, try to prevent a nuclear war by spying on countries, etc. Good fun.

* Battletech

* Drakkhen - a great RPG with a vast world and a nice story.

* Elite / Elite II of course, no presentation needed

* Captain Blood - unrivalled system to communicate with the aliens

* MegaLoMania - nuke!!!

* Midwinter - a great free roaming game where you assemble a rebel crew among the inhabitants of a frozen land, then fight the power

* Phantasie III - another great RPG

* Populous - the first god game

* Falcon - the purest flight sim, lots of fun

Some other great games:

* Bubble Bobble - great for relaxing after a night spent playing Dungeon Master

* Speedball I (for some reasons, I always preferred I to II)

* Wizball - surprisingly more complex and addictive than it looks like at first - took me ages to finish

* Kick Off + spin offs (Extra Time, Player Manager, etc.) Could any football game be better than this? I doubt it, still haven't found any

* SuperSprint - arcade racing

* Xenon II - awesome shoot'em'up from the Bitmap Brothers

EDIT: for typos
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Amiga 500 owner during the great 16 bits war, here :) Great list you compiled here. Most of the games were also on Amiga, though, and I was wondering:

1) if there were some very good exclusive st games I missed?

2) if some of the above mentioned games were better on ST vs their Amiga counterpart?
Jeff Minters Defender II was a favorite of mine

Shadowlands is another great game but it´s a time sink, so beware

Sensible World of Soccer is immense