Release Benri and the Bandits

Hi all !

@elvissteinjr : some good news for a change :) Your latest version works like a charm, thanks !

It must have been some missing lib(s) after all. And I respectfully disagree with you: a new homebrew game for the Pandora, ~8 years after its release, is totally worth the journey :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
That's great then. Finally. Thanks for testing all these attempts.

I'll wait another day or so before pushing this to the repo in case other issues arise.
I especially don't trust the powervr.ini tweaks against random freezes I had to remove to make it start on non-CC units. Though these ranged from being almost instantly with some corruption on the title screen to a couple of minutes gameplay at most. Must be a thing on CC only then I hope. Boy, it would've been (even more) painful to deal with that if I had any other model to be honest.

This will be easier the Pyra where we have up-to-date packages. Yey.
Nothing? Alright, pushed that version to the repo for now. If there's anything else coming up though, just notify me.

The First Version did not work here too..will try the newer Version soon.
Thank you ..i LOVE Anime RPGs ;)
There's no RPG functionality nor is there much of anime aside the portraits and perhaps names, but I hope you can get some enjoyment out of it regardless.
It's working fine for me on my Ghz with the latest system upgrade and I don't know which version of ths SGX driver (probably the one ptitSeb uses)
Thanks for the port!