Never been accused of being subtle
Updating CaSTaway, creating Zot files, hacking tools
And still time to play some games
I wish I had half your enthusiasm and energy
Getting rid of the colour-cycling is a cynch!
I used PSP to save the palette (only 18 colours are used on the starship level) and edit a couple of colours (three are black, two are orange) and reload it.
Hey presto! Halved the number of tiles (with the alignment sorted it will go down more)
Granted that Mappy only using one file for tiles is a problem.
Mappy exports data to a 'C' array with their names set to <project>_map0[] (map data), <project>_cmap[] (palette data) and <project>_blockgfx[] (tile data). Each are single dimension, so no graphics to find in an image, just an offset into an array.
I agree that it *could* be more flexible in how it stores tiles.
And give better size info.
I haven't looked too far into the luascript that's built in. This may be a way to get the files in a better format?
And still time to play some games
I wish I had half your enthusiasm and energy
Getting rid of the colour-cycling is a cynch!
I used PSP to save the palette (only 18 colours are used on the starship level) and edit a couple of colours (three are black, two are orange) and reload it.
Hey presto! Halved the number of tiles (with the alignment sorted it will go down more)
Granted that Mappy only using one file for tiles is a problem.
Mappy exports data to a 'C' array with their names set to <project>_map0[] (map data), <project>_cmap[] (palette data) and <project>_blockgfx[] (tile data). Each are single dimension, so no graphics to find in an image, just an offset into an array.
I agree that it *could* be more flexible in how it stores tiles.
And give better size info.
I haven't looked too far into the luascript that's built in. This may be a way to get the files in a better format?