Bennu Installation


Still Fresh

After C++/SDL seems to be to 'overloaded' and 'less handy' I give bennugd a try.

After installing compiler, interpreter and libs with the installer-shell (bgd-1.0.0RC17(r165) I try to compile helloworld.prg (with the command: bgdc helloworld.prg), which uses: import "mod_say".
But the compiler stops with 'mod_say not found'.

How can I tell him to use the libs (I think they are in /usr/share/lib/bgd)?

Even a copy of in the same directory where helloworld.prg resides doesn't help.

Thanks in advance
If an out-of-the box install has this problem, you should report it to the developers.

I just tried this myself (I have a self-compiled version laying around):
bgdi has no problem finding the libs, but bgdc indeed has.

You have a couple of options:
Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the directory where the libs are (/usr/share/lib/bgd in your case) by running the command
"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/share/lib/bgd"
You have to do this in every shell you start where you want to run bgdc.

To make this setting permanent:
As "root", create a file "/etc/" with the line "/usr/share/lib/bgd" in it, then (also as root) run the command "/sbin/ldconfig"
Hello hmn!

Thanks for your answer - I have seen a similar solution in a game example (galaxian) for the wiz.
