Before I Commit To Buying A Pandora

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedBaron
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Hi All
Before I commit to buying a Pandora I have a few questions, first is it to late to order one, second when you play retro games dose it display then in the correct aspect ratio, and can I pay with paypal
Email openpandorasales (at) gmail to ask if there are any left. Paypal would still be a no I think, I'd be surprised if they ever go back to it. Google checkout will probably be an option though.

Regarding aspect ratios, it's up to each developer to include those options. So I can't speak for them and say "yes, they'll all do it," but I can say that I've never seen an emu released in this scene that didn't provide a range of scaling options, 1:1 always being one of them. It wouldn't really be acceptable to leave that out. It's not something you should worry about. :)
I ordered on Tuesday the 2nd. Preferred method of paying is Google Checkout, which is pretty much the same as Paypal.
PhillipJ said:
I ordered on Tuesday the 2nd. Preferred method of paying is Google Checkout, which is pretty much the same as Paypal.

The difference is in paypal you can just blindly pay with a credit card, google checkout demands you create an account and hangs onto all your information. Screw google, idiots can't even keep their own information safe, you'd be a lot better off with a wire transfer.
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Gruso said:
Email openpandorasales (at) gmail to ask if there are any left. Paypal would still be a no I think, I'd be surprised if they ever go back to it. Google checkout will probably be an option though.

Regarding aspect ratios, it's up to each developer to include those options. So I can't speak for them and say "yes, they'll all do it," but I can say that I've never seen an emu released in this scene that didn't provide a range of scaling options, 1:1 always being one of them. It wouldn't really be acceptable to leave that out. It's not something you should worry about. :)
Email address not working
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Gruso said:
What do you mean not working?
I finally got it to work, bigpond email did not like it, came back with error
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Gruso said:
Bigpond. What a bunch of bastards.
You got that right but I have no choice if I want cable internet
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