I've been pondering this idea for some time, and the Hack2x thread (combined with having nothing to do) has motivated me to start brainstorming it properly.
The idea is Chumby inspired.
I'm thinking of turning my F200 from a portable system into a tabletop device, with all buttons rewired to an external gamepad.
I'm seeking advice on the external controller. I'd be using a SNES pad, because it has the same button configuration as the 2X (apart from volume). The "easy" way to do it would be to wire the 2X button inputs from the PCB, back to a custom socket on the back of the modded unit. Then do the same at the controller end - wire the buttons from the PCB to a new cable, with matching custom plug.
It would be so much nicer if it was wireless though. So my question is, is there a type of wireless link kit which will accept contact inputs at the controller end, then replicate them at the GP2X end? I've done a bit of googling but nailing the right search terms is proving difficult. Any advice appreciated.
Ok, searching for "wireless i/o" has landed me in the ballpark.
These products aren't really suitable of course, I'm after something with more of a hobbyist flavour.
The idea is Chumby inspired.
I'm seeking advice on the external controller. I'd be using a SNES pad, because it has the same button configuration as the 2X (apart from volume). The "easy" way to do it would be to wire the 2X button inputs from the PCB, back to a custom socket on the back of the modded unit. Then do the same at the controller end - wire the buttons from the PCB to a new cable, with matching custom plug.
It would be so much nicer if it was wireless though. So my question is, is there a type of wireless link kit which will accept contact inputs at the controller end, then replicate them at the GP2X end? I've done a bit of googling but nailing the right search terms is proving difficult. Any advice appreciated.
Ok, searching for "wireless i/o" has landed me in the ballpark.
These products aren't really suitable of course, I'm after something with more of a hobbyist flavour.
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