Internal Development
One parts gem-swapping puzzler. One part Streetfighter. Two parts RPG with levelling up, gear, spellcasting.
Whats not to love?
Screenshot is here:
Details are on the website -- its a simple game at its heart, but you can really get into the details with spell casting and grinding levels and gear if you like; or jus tplay it like Bejewelled and let the opponent kick your rear
(Okay, the AI is a little smart, but he's playing handicapped this release. Don't worry, I'll give him fireball soon enough..)
For the trivia guys.. I actually started this _before_ Puzzle Quest hit the DS and PSP. you can tell since is been out only a month or so
Its a little like PQ, but its got very different flavouring since its not a quest game.. its more a street figher and Magic:The Gathering style game than a WoW-inspired-game as PQ is.
So get your puzzle gem-swapping helmet on, since a KnobGoblin is going to smack you upside
I'm dizzy-tired from sleepdep, feel free to upload it to the repository ED
See the website for details of whats included and not included, and how to play; theres a lot more to come in coming updates, but this one should be pretty playable as is.
One parts gem-swapping puzzler. One part Streetfighter. Two parts RPG with levelling up, gear, spellcasting.
Whats not to love?
Screenshot is here:
Details are on the website -- its a simple game at its heart, but you can really get into the details with spell casting and grinding levels and gear if you like; or jus tplay it like Bejewelled and let the opponent kick your rear
(Okay, the AI is a little smart, but he's playing handicapped this release. Don't worry, I'll give him fireball soon enough..)
For the trivia guys.. I actually started this _before_ Puzzle Quest hit the DS and PSP. you can tell since is been out only a month or so
So get your puzzle gem-swapping helmet on, since a KnobGoblin is going to smack you upside
I'm dizzy-tired from sleepdep, feel free to upload it to the repository ED
See the website for details of whats included and not included, and how to play; theres a lot more to come in coming updates, but this one should be pretty playable as is.