Advanced Member
I recently discovered this project on Kickstarter and it looks pretty promising. Turn based strategy in the mood of Battle Isle and Advance Wars but in all shiny 3D:
Website: http://battle-worlds.com/
It looks really nice and besides Windows/Mac of course it is also planed for Linux and even for Browsers (Multiplayer, even in asynchronous mode), I guess they use Unity. I have never played Battle Isle but I know it was a really great turn based strategy game back then. But I've played alot Advance Wars and since they mentioned these games on the KS site, I had to take a deeper look into this project. May it happen, I like turn based strategy games now that I'm getting older.
No need for all the Starcraft RTS stress, it's not good for your health anyways. 

Website: http://battle-worlds.com/
It looks really nice and besides Windows/Mac of course it is also planed for Linux and even for Browsers (Multiplayer, even in asynchronous mode), I guess they use Unity. I have never played Battle Isle but I know it was a really great turn based strategy game back then. But I've played alot Advance Wars and since they mentioned these games on the KS site, I had to take a deeper look into this project. May it happen, I like turn based strategy games now that I'm getting older.
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