Battery Charger Cheap! I Think


Well-Known Member
HERE I think thats the same as the one i have except my Batteries are better (2400mAh) But with this one there 2000 mAh but you get 8!!! i only got 4 with mine :(. Anyway just thougth some peopel might be interested :D. I may even get on eof these too coz you never can have too much AA batteries :D
hmmm i seem 2 have that : ) or a variation on with some AAA's aswell it was a really great deal
I wouldn't trust batteries with dodgy packageing like that, but with that price it's almost like getting them free.
Delsabre posted on Oct 27 2004 at 04:59 AM said:
I wouldn't trust batteries with dodgy packageing like that, but with that price it's almost like getting them free.

I've got the exact same batteries and they're fine. Good deal.
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