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MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
As long it doesnt pull my trousers down when it's in my pocket that'll be fine
There's this awesome invention called a belt. Just head down to your local department store or clothes store and ask one of the attendants. :P

They're also handy for dispensing with people who ask for slide out keyboards. :lol:

It's sounding to me like the pandora is going to be half battery. Let's make sure we don't get one that overheats and catches on fire. :blink:
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X-Code said:
I agree with master Squidge, I can't see myself playing for 16 hours anyway :lol:
Neither me, maybe some day i can last 5 hours, no more :D
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craigix said:
Does anyone care how heavy the pandora is if it has 16 hours of battery life?
16 hours of doing what though? Playing games? Music? Videos? Posting infinite amounts of question marks on Internet forums? + will this be with Wi-Fi on or off?
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Gruso said:
I just assumed he was talking about 16 hours of a Flying Toaster screensaver.
*Waits for a what screensaver would you like to see on the Pandora thread to appear* :lol:
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I don't care about the weight if it's something like 400 grams or lower. And also.. 16 hours of a screensaver would mean, say, 10 hours of wi-fi, or, say, 6 hours of TV-over-wi-fi.. I think we'll find some energy consuming task for the Pandora.
I'd vote for longer life - I don't mind about weight at all.

However, I'd vote for keeping the same size rather than having a long life battery stick out the side (I once made the mistake of getting the longer life battery pack for a laptop and it's a PITA to have it sticking out like that).

If you go with the Squidge approach (a choice) then I'd be prepared to pay extra (say another $30 to $50 on top of the $330) for the longer life battery.

It's March tomorrow so you start shipping the 100 straight away, right? ;)
Personally, I've found that I am constantly wishing that all my devices could last as long as the GP32 did, and 16 hours would even top that... One thing that does concern me is, if the battery is removed will it still play? I know the tapwave zodiac won't even power on without a battery inside (grr) and given that batteries sometimes die, I'd rather be able to remove the battery and plug it in, than have to source a battery, wait for delivery, etc.
Squidge said:
Perhaps there could be a standard battery and a extended runtime battery that is heavier? Best of both worlds :)

Good idea, but I persobally do not care about weight of battery.
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I say battery life, I would rather it have a little weight on it anyhow, I like the feel of heavy. It seems to translate the idea of higher quality.

I toted around a Sega Nomad for a while, with a spare battery and all the extras. Weight is no issue.
abeisgreat said:
craigix said:
Do you want as long a life as possible? Or less weight? Does anyone care how heavy the pandora is if it has 16 hours of battery life?

A large battery can weigh as much as 120grams.

Let us know what you think.
I personally do not give a **** how much it weighs. If you can give me 16 hours of battery life you will be a god! After carrying a Sega Gamegear for many years you start to not care about weight

I totaly agree with you because i know how you feel because I had a game gear, well I guess I still have it, but it don't get much use anymore. So yeah if you can get 16 hours I'd love that, so bring it on.
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craigix said:
Do you want as long a life as possible? Or less weight? Does anyone care how heavy the pandora is if it has 16 hours of battery life?

A large battery can weigh as much as 120grams.

Let us know what you think.
I am an a American and am not used to dealing in grams so I assume that is about 1/4 pound? I think 16 hours of use is un-needed. I think 8-10 (I am assuming full load) is good. Good power management could probably double that time with the same battery at a lot of non-gaming tasks. A good reflective screen would be nice (front lit) for use in the bright light and the dark with minimal power usage in the light. Charge time should be short and the battery should not be large, the smaller and denser the better. For me it's the size and not really the weight. On the the other hand if the battery is very heavy and on the left it makes it unbalanced. Maybe a false bottom would be a good idea like a lot of the portable dvd's use? Anyway, I'd be happy to get 8-10 hours and spare batteries being below 29USD. If thats possible.

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I think that somethin in the middle should be ok, something enough powerfun to give you 8 hours should be okay
The extra weight will add to the 'feel' of the handheld. Also, i'd go for 1 soloution only, so go with this 16hr battery.

Additional options add headaches for the manufacturer and consumer. Keep things fuctional and simple.
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