Batteries Don't Work Anymore, Only Adapter Now!!


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2004
Hello everybody, I'm an Italian GP BLU owner.

Believe me, i'm very disappointed with my machine. I wanted to use a DC adapter (3V dc out, 250 mA) for powering my Gp, and since the first plug-action my batteries didn't work anymore.

So, since then my GP is going well in closed spaces, NO FUNCTIONING at all in outer spaces.

I changed obviously all the batteries I could: rechargable or not, it made almost no difference.

I think this is only a ciurcuit problem, i.e. the batteries part of the circuit finished to act due to adapter insertion in the circuit itself.

How could i fix this problem without talking to electronic experts?

I WANT TO THANK THIS BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY FOR BEING ALIVE, and i thank you in advance for your gentle help.

Did you use the right adapter? One that can switch to negative polarity? <_<
If not, you some kind of damaged the platine. :o

I`ve read in another thread something about this, it may be that something got loose by plucking in your adapter, or something like that :huh: , can`t recall it, just try the search function of this board or wait for a guru to help you :)
Thanks for your help, mate, but i certainly connected the adapter in the right way, cause 1-it functions well with it; 2-my brother connected it for me (he made it with his gp without my problem, knowing the needed polarity).

Could any guru give me a help on this thing, please?

I'm in your hands.

this is the main reason why I won't buy an adapter, i'm too afraid, seems the GP32 is pretty fragile in that area.
I had the same happen, the AC adapter pin is I guess loose or there is a short in it. What you need to do is get something that will fit in there and just wiggle the pin around till you can turn it on with batteries. I get a toothpick and wrap a piece of paper around it, then the paper is just the right size to fit over the adapter pin. This is the only way I have gotten it to work. If anyone has had this problem before, and found a better solution, please post it, as this piece'o'paper is really annoying.

Ok first just get a toothpick and a small piece of paper, then wrap the paper around the toothpick so its nice and tight, slide the paper off, and then slide it into your AC Adapter slot. I guess if you wanted, you could snip off the extra paper, so it would be a bit more permanent, but no AC Adapter.
Thank you Protoss y've been very fast in replying!

So, now you have this piece of paper in the adapter hole every time you don't use it, right?

But did you manage in turning on the gp 32 successfully?

Can you be more precise, please? Thanks in advance...


<ok i'll try tonight or tomorrow, a.s.a.p.! MY RESPECT, Protoss!! thanks!

HEY HEY it works! I turned it on and WORKED without doing anything!! Incredible! Sorry guys, I ASSURE YOU that for 4 days it didn't turn on with batteries only. Miracles, just miracles...
Electronics is a question mark... Well, this thread can be erased, Thanks to all and bye bye.

Yea u gotta have this piece of paper on that pin everytime you want to use ur GP w/ batteries. My GP worx fine with this 'ghetto' fix :lol: Also worx as a safeguard against accidentally turning on ur GP in ur pocket. ;)