Batteries Don't Working :(


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Jul 16, 2006
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Hello all!

I need some help : I tried to switch my GP2X on today, and it don't work with batteries anymore :( I tried to bend the connectors, I tried to plug the AC adapter in/out several times to unlock the switch, I even opened it to see if I could do anything but the power plug is too small :(

It works perfect with AC adapter! and I tried new batteries too!

Has anybody got some advices please?? :(

*edit* sorry for the mistake in the title :ph34r:
Oh no! :o i really hope it's not the switch, although it sounds likely that it is. Mine got stuck before also, but it managed to un-stick itself after I kept reinserting the adapter (like you've been trying). Hopefully if you keep trying that, it will work again. If you break the switch (i know this is the lamest help anyone can give <_< ) here is a link to a replacement.
prairiefire posted on Feb 20 2007 at 06:28 PM said:
Oh no! :o i really hope it's not the switch, although it sounds likely that it is. Mine got stuck before also, but it managed to un-stick itself after I kept reinserting the adapter (like you've been trying). Hopefully if you keep trying that, it will work again. If you break the switch (i know this is the lamest help anyone can give <_< ) here is a link to a replacement.

:( I hope I won't have to replace the plug... I don't even have a soldering torch <_<
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Something similar happened to me when I tried to plug the AC adapter while running on batteries It stopped working with batteries but was fine with AC. During a week I tought my GP2X was ruined until I dropped it on the floor....the next day I tried it again with batteries and it worked! That's what I called fairy-induced auto-repair! :D
Aries posted on Feb 20 2007 at 07:29 PM said:
Something similar happened to me when I tried to plug the AC adapter while running on batteries It stopped working with batteries but was fine with AC. During a week I tought my GP2X was ruined until I dropped it on the floor....the next day I tried it again with batteries and it worked! That's what I called fairy-induced auto-repair! :D

More like clumsy-induced. . .

Funny story though, i always enjoy smacking things to make them work :D
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Good luck with that. I have a similiar problem but don't have an AC adapter. Let us know what you do.
fluffyhamster posted on Feb 21 2007 at 01:17 AM said:
It could be your LTSK, did you accidently have the voltage too high on your ac adapter?

I don't remember having any unusual use of my GP2X :ph34r: But I never take the batteries out when playing with the AC adapter (I have my GP2X for 7 months now and played more with AC adapter than batteries :D )

For now I have nothing really better to do than wait and hope for the miracle to happen :( I don't feel like throwing it on the floor :rolleyes:
If somebody has some advices please tell me. On my counterpart I will of course tell you, if it is working again, how I managed to do it ;)

thank you!
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The switch gets pushed away when you insert the adapter but is supposed to snap back when you remove it. It gets stuck.

Here's what I did to fix mine & it's worked every time. And I don't officially recommend you do it (because it's pretty hack). Shut off the unit, remove the batteries and the adapter. Also, remove the rubber thingy which covers the ac hole when not in use. I was able to put a paperclip in the hole to the right of the ac hole (where the rubber thing was), lean the clip to the left so it touches the end of the ac adapter box. The goal is click the "switch" (really a tiny metal plate at the end of where the ac connects) back towards you.

A question for the thread: what about opening up the unit and lubing up the ac connector with silicon / wd40?
My switch died too, probably kept the AC adapter plugged in for too long, so I opened my unit and soldered a short wire, which made battery and AC inputs always connected. Just have to remember to remove batteries when plugging the AC now.
Yo all!
Getting pissed off by this problem (as I have 4 hours of annooyyyiinngg lessons tomorrow :ph34r: ) and after reading markiej post, I decided to open my GP2X again ;) and finally achived to make it work again!!
Here are some photo about what I done, and how

Firt, take a fasten (google translation for 'agrafe' lol). Unfold it if you want...


Here is the switch (back to its original place) that bypasses the batteries


And here is where I put the unfolded fasten


By playing a little with the fasten I pushed the button back to its place!

yiippeee!! no more sleeping during lessons ;) Back to Marvel vs Capcom!!

Thanks to those who helped, and I hope this thread will help some :)
Awesome. Glad to hear it's working again :)

Thanks for the tip markiej, i'll keep that one handy! And thanks for the pics reiboul. oh and for the record, i also keep my batteries in while using the ac adapter, i don't think this is a problem (well at least with the second edition's)