Basic Questions


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2006

what kind of headphones are used? Is it the basic type, that can be plugged in to a normal PC, or is it a properietary type?

And is there a way to connect two gp2x via LAN or bluetooth?

normal headphones can be used with the GP2X. doesnt have a special headphone socket.

and although i dont know about LAN or bluetooth connectivity, im sure if you search the forum something will pop up :)
You use normal headphones. Any should do, it's a normal stereo-jack. You cannot use bluetooth but you can access LAN with USB net... you need a break out board though. You can also use SDIO WiFi adapters but it's not as easy as to simply pluggin it in. You need to fiddle around with drivers and stuff to do that. USB net is easier.
USB Network works without Breakout Box
you can telnet your GP2X or use Samba, and I heard about Internet connexion sharing, using the mini-USB plug on the side of the GP2X

BreakOut boxed is used for USH-Host (USb sticks, usb mass storage...), or USB-HID (USB mice, keyboards and joypads) or other USB devices that have drivers compiled for GP2X. it also provides TV-out (also available without BoB with the TV-out cable), audio-out, and some other stuff :)
xnopasaranx posted on Aug 23 2006 at 09:52 AM said:
You cannot use bluetooth but you can access LAN with USB net... you need a break out board though.

Not completly true,
You can access other LANS with XP by creating a bridge between the GP2x usb net and which ever netowrk you bridge it to. I dont know if something similar can be done with linux.
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Pickle posted on Aug 23 2006 at 04:02 PM said:
I dont know if something similar can be done sith linux.

You normally can, but i don't know if it uses 'native' networking, or Samba network :unsure:
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You can still copy files with scp if samba/nfs is too much of a pain to set up. Getting ssh to work for scp is a simple thing on all distros I've seen. That said, I'm not sure if the gp2x includes an scp program or not, but one should be able to use the Debian ARM version.
i think i remember seeing a SSH client (or maybe server) added on the file archive, but i never tried it :unsure: