Sales Bank transfer or waiting re-order credit card ?


Still Fresh
Dec 18, 2008
Hi Pandora Team

I have Pandora order number from Japan. I am waiting re-order credit card.
Because, Bank trasfer fee is expensive from Japan, About $30.

Therefore, Two question.
1. Which better pay bank transfer or waiting re-order credit card ?
If you can deliver in January, We don't have time.

2. How match this shipping cost to Japan ? With or Without Cost ?
Hi :) I'm not a team member, just a regular forums visitor, but I may be able to answer some questions.

1. I suggest to wait, till the current problems are sorted out. Look here:

2. The shipping costs should have been visible, when you first paid, I'm sure. The amount you have paid should therefore cover the shipping costs, I think.

3. I suggest, that you create an account on forums, because it's the better place to ask questions :)
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I wanted it so bad that I ended up just paying the $30 to go through my bank. I tried to use or whatever, but I had a different address on my bills than where I live because all my bills went to a P.O. Box so I couldn't get approved.

It's my fault really, I procrastinated till the last min to re-order. I did put my pre-order for the Pandora the first day possible the first time, I guess it was just easier for me to send my credit card info than do everything for a money order. Yeah, like I said, it was my fault. Thirty dollars didn't seem like that much when I considered that I'd get the Pandora that much earlier, and even with all the delays I'm still ok with it.
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 16:19:03 +0100
From: openpandorasales <>

Hello Winston,

We are now accepting credit card payments via Google Checkout. Please let me know if you wish to re-instate your order from the first batch and I will forward a Google Checkout Invoice for repayment.

Kind regards
senatus said:
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 16:19:03 +0100
From: openpandorasales <>

Hello Winston,

We are now accepting credit card payments via Google Checkout. Please let me know if you wish to re-instate your order from the first batch and I will forward a Google Checkout Invoice for repayment.

Kind regards

That's... nice for people who have not re-pre-ordered yet and... somewhat a big suckjob from a gangrenous zombie prostitute for the rest of us. I could've spent that $30 on a 2nd battery and stuff. 8(

Don't talk about my mother like that.

Seriously though, this is a good thing. Perhaps a little annoying if you only ordered via transfer recently, but we did transfers because it was worth it to us. And there would be no Pandoras for anyone if we hadn't done that. Think of yourself as a hero.