Oh neat, it's a ... field.
I just saw Avatar and while effect wasn't totally mindblowing (in fact the effect seems quite "natural", strange that
, it worked well even with eyeglasses on. So now I'm _really_ looking forward to other films with this tech and especially 3d gaming. I think I might have to give my money to the evil-doers at Sony for a PS3 if it has upcoming 3D games. And I think ATI since Nvidia has announced (on nvnews) that they have no plans to support 3D on Geforce on Linux.
As for movies, any hints? There was a trailer for Through the looking glass (I think) by Tim Burton, which looked good and if it's even an average Burton movie it probably is worth the money.
Oh and Avatar the movie, plotwise it was ok, there were some parts where I cringed and some parts where I just went "bollocks to that", especially the ending bits where the white man becomes the voodoo-hoodoo chief or something. Oh and Pandora the planet seems to be a psy-trance rave. Other than that, it was a pretty good blockbuster.
As for movies, any hints? There was a trailer for Through the looking glass (I think) by Tim Burton, which looked good and if it's even an average Burton movie it probably is worth the money.
Oh and Avatar the movie, plotwise it was ok, there were some parts where I cringed and some parts where I just went "bollocks to that", especially the ending bits where the white man becomes the voodoo-hoodoo chief or something. Oh and Pandora the planet seems to be a psy-trance rave. Other than that, it was a pretty good blockbuster.