attempting to port Shadowgrounds


Advanced Member
Shadowgrounds?!?!? On OpenPandora?? That would really cool.
I fixed a few minor issues in the shadowgrounds code,

hacked around some issues with gtk/glib in our codeblocks.pnd, and managed to build it.

But when I run it, after loading the resources and making the config file it exits with status 1.

Tried with both mesa GL and lunixbochs libGL, same result.  A PC build on the same code does work.

The final remark from strace is:

  io_submit(0x1, 0x1, 0xfbad2088 <unfinished ... exit status 1>

I'm not sure where that comes from, does writev do that?  it would be nice to have ltrace...

Anyway, I built it with the "Release" option instead of "Debug" (being a dumb ass)

so I will build it again and see if it says anything useful in Debug mode.

The game is happy to run at 800x480 (on my PC), but it does use shaders and other fancy stuff so it might be difficult to finish a port.

At the moment I just want to get it running to some extent, even if the graphics is totally fouled up and it runs at 1 frame per minute using mesaGL.

I will likely need some help!
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Thanks, I might have to resort to binary search to find out where it's going wrong... :/

This will be a good opportunity for me to learn a whole lot more about GL...
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At the moment I'm stalled with "it builds, but does not run". Not too sure how to proceed with debugging it!