Asciipaint Gp 0.3


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Right, well, I think its time for calling this a first non-beta release, though its still only downloadable from the thread in the Beta section.

ASCIIpaint is basically an ascii drawing program in C, and my first project for the GP32 (second one ever, bar examples), so whilst its pretty darn simple, I'm pleased that its even got to a reasonably useful state - as far as ascii painters can be useful in any case lol.
On the other hand, despite its not being desperately exciting, its very very very small (52.6kb, and a 2.8kb save file) so put it on your SMC and draw away if you get bored. Believe it or not, before the save code went in, it was only 6kb! That's a 10x size increase for 2 functions lol!

- Painting with no less than TEN (10) ASCII characters. If anyone would like to see
other ones in there instead of what's there already, do ask - the current ones are
mainly the ones I chose at random when first fiddling around.
- Quite a few colours - either 7 or 8, I forget - available to paint in. Adding more
colours is easy, but might make life a little confusing for people, especially if I
can't work out key-combinations so as to allow moving backwards in the
selection. Which is entirely possible. So if there are some you *really* want to
see, ask, but I reckon 7-8 is good as a starting set.
- Erasing of squares using the B button. Hold B and tap a direction to erase,
starting from the square you're on.
- Saving into a single file - if anyone knows how to use Mirko's SDK to test for the
existence of a file and then write to the next one on a list if that file isn't there,
tell me and maybe there will be multiple saves, but for now, one file is plently.
- Loading from that file on each startup. Thus you have to make sure there's a
file there to load from, since otherwise it gets all confused. I've included one in
the zip though, so that shouldn't be a problem since its (gasp) 2.8kb. Its in plain
text format, so you can open it with notepad or metapad or whatever and be
enjoy your ascii creations without colour on a PC. If you decide to edit them on
a PC, though, you won't see any changes on the GP unless you're fiddling with
the ones made out of numbers (since I couldn't get it to load the character one
quite right).
- Very very detailed commenting in the source. I'm not sure if its still *entirely*
comprehensible (and certainly not all necessary) since it's been messed around
a lot since the first release, but the comments are all pretty much valid, I think,
and should be pretty easy to understand for anyone who has even the vaguest
knowledge of loops in any language whatsoever.

Put ASCIIart.fxe wherever and ASCIIart.txt into GPMM