Arm Debian Qemu Package.

Wow, does this simulate, or come close to simulating, the Pandora running Debian ARM? That post (of yours?) didn't mention that specifically, though the username and tags it's filed under hint at that fact.

Edit: Wow, the download is going at around 20K/s... this is going to take hours.
Sorry, I couldn't upload it to anything except my home server.

Yes, it's a QEMU arm image. It should work for anything else.

(And I'm trying to find a better web host while avoiding Rapidshare.)

Edit: Stop using my bandwidth for a bit, please, so I can host it somewhere else (I'm not at home right now and this is keeping my from using VNC). :)

Edit: That's not going to work, so I'm going to kill my web server for a bit. Hold tight, and sorry if I made you waste your time.
Where did you pick the ARM image? If it's a standard one, it's of no use... At least no better than developing on the gp2x :)
It's an ARM Integrator Versatile image.

Let me see if I can find another one.

Edit: Apparently the Integrator can be a Cortex-A8 or a number of others. It will probably work. Also, my slow server is back up because I couldn't find anything else. If anybody wants to offer me hosting, I can... wait pandora wiki brb

Edit: don't download it from my server. And it's an ARM Versatile image, not an Integrator image. The versatile has a SCSI disc and an Ethernet card.
You obviously did not build the image yourself. Why don't you post a link to its original source, so that people stop harassing your server? :)
The author of Wolf4SDL used this to help get all the bugs worked out. It's actually a pretty good idea. Althought I think someone else started a thread about it a while back.
Pickle said:
The author of Wolf4SDL used this to help get all the bugs worked out. It's actually a pretty good idea. Althought I think someone else started a thread about it a while back.
Well, I've made a ready-to-use bit for people to download. :)
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I thought you said it was an armv7 image? The Linux install says ARM926EJ-S 5TEJ, and even a uname says armv5tejl.

Also, the first boot failed fsck and needed repair.
Squidge said:
I thought you said it was an armv7 image? The Linux install says ARM926EJ-S 5TEJ, and even a uname says armv5tejl.

He didn't even care to say where he got the image from :(
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atomicthumbs said:
The thing said it was Versatile, which I thought was arm7.

Argh! I give up. Use it if you can. :angry:
I am just asking where you picked the image from so that I can check before downloading.
And arm7 is not armv7 ;) Even the gp2x is using a more recent core than arm7.
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The site must not have been updated recently. Debian has a packaged armel kernel for versatile now (2.6.24). It's in unstable.