Pandora Arduino Gui Compiled For Arm - Openpandora?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hi There!
I have not got an openpandora yet, I plan to upon the release of this batch.
I plan on using my OpenPandora for EVERYTHING! :D

Now, the hard part for me.
I program and create alot of hardware devices (online household control, robots, security systems, motorbike ignition and security devices etc etc etc) using Arduino ( ) which is an OpenSource hardware development platform.

Unfortunately I have no knowledge of software programming (only basic HTML and VisualBasic/RealBasic), I have contacted members over at arduino Forum and they believe that the Arduino GUI should quite easily be ported to OpenPandora (beagle board aswell), but I need someone with knowledge in this field to help me with this issue.

I'll copy/paste the responce I received from a very knowledgable arduino member.

"Re: Arduino GUI compiled for ARM CPU OpenPandora ??
Reply #1 - Yesterday at 23:15:10

This should possible.

Since the Pandora is closely related to the BeagleBoard this will focus on BB. They both run Angstrom Linux for ARMv7A/CortexA8 ARM processors.

Arduino IDE is written in Java so you need Java for Angstrom/OE, this is not really standard Sun Java so some tweaking might be necessary.

Then you need the gcc-avr toolchain compiled for crosscompilation on ARMv7A, doable but will take some time if you have not built cross compilation toolchains before.

Building avrdudue for ARM should be easy.

FTDI serial port over USB is already in Angstrom Linux.

Then figure out how to distribute/install this in a nice and clean way to the Pandora.

It might keep you occupied for some weekends, but it should work."

Thank you all so very much, ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Watching this closely. I got an arduino board over here as well (serial port vers.). Good luck!
Hello again,
I've been spending most of my day thinking this idea over. Theoretically it seems very possible.

I don't want to flood this page with pointless posts but this may help some people.
I've found two pages with the source for the arduino GUI and a page with how to build the source.


This looks interesting. I've also got an arduino, maybe I could try to help when I get my pandora. I'm certanly no expert but I know some C and java.

That is excellent.
Arduino GUI has been done in (mostly) JAVA.

Seems like all that needs to be done is to get the source to compile ON the OP(as Target) and see what files or dependancies are missing.
I can't guarantee anything but Pandora + Arduino is certainly a combination I'm looking forward to. If no one has taken a crack at it by the time I get my Pandora, I'll definitely give it a try myself.

Most of it seems to be in java the rest is probably mostly related to the serial communication (probably over a usb-serial converter) and avr-gcc of course. might give hints to whoever wants to give it a shot. :)
If I could get hold of a Pandora I could try compile the source ON the device.. Too hard without..
This maybe a bit OT, but bear with me.

I dont own a pandora/bb or an arduino, but I am interested of AVR programming on the pandora. My choice of tools is just a bit different, but would anyone be interested in a .pnd package that bundles these tools:
* avrdude
* avr toolchain
* SCiTE configured just for this task.
The launchable item in the package would be the scite, which would bring with it the toolchain etc.

I'll propably create this given time and a pandora, but would like to know if others are interested.