Arduino And The Pandora

It's something more like "provide the Pandora with sensors and actuators" or "easy datalogging"

Then you're laughing--this would be easy.

'Squidge' said:
'beanoman' said:
If the serial ports in the ext connector work like normal com ports in linux, it shouldn't be a problem, especially if you use a board like the Sparkfun mini board. Their 8mhz board will be fine with the 2.8 volt supply and signals, especially if you don't need to program it(which should be fine too, I've just never tried it myself).

It's a normal UART, but it's not level shifted, so will be at signal level rather than RS-232 levels. Supply is 2.8V, Signals are 1.8V. Use a TXB0104.
/shrug. Or a battery pack. But sure, this would be very possible.
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'vputz' said:
'Squidge' said:
It's a normal UART, but it's not level shifted, so will be at signal level rather than RS-232 levels. Supply is 2.8V, Signals are 1.8V. Use a TXB0104.

/shrug. Or a battery pack. But sure, this would be very possible.
A battery pack doesn't do level shifting of signals, a TXB0104 on the other hand, does.
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'kattle87' said:
I was wondering what can be done with the pandora and the arduino if they are combined toghether :P
Mainly I am thinking about this: most of arduinos boards can be used via USB (regognized as a serial USB adapter) but this solution might become pretty umpractical (eats up one USB, cables need far more space and battery life decreases). What about using the ext port to get a serial connection between the Arduino and the Panda? Will this be more viable?
(asking this since I'm an hardware n00b even if I have done something with the arduino via serial-on-USB.
more infos @:
I already have an arduino diecimila (with usb port) and I hope RealSoon ™ a pandora too.

For me the usb port is the more practical choice. Quick and safe. I'm not sure there will be a significant difference from using ext port, arduino have small power requirement on usb, and can also powered externaly.

If you need to do some datalogging there is this small program for arduino that can be used:


I hope it helps ^^
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'vputz' said:
It's something more like "provide the Pandora with sensors and actuators" or "easy datalogging"
Then you're laughing--this would be easy.

'Squidge' said:
'beanoman' said:
If the serial ports in the ext connector work like normal com ports in linux, it shouldn't be a problem, especially if you use a board like the Sparkfun mini board. Their 8mhz board will be fine with the 2.8 volt supply and signals, especially if you don't need to program it(which should be fine too, I've just never tried it myself).

It's a normal UART, but it's not level shifted, so will be at signal level rather than RS-232 levels. Supply is 2.8V, Signals are 1.8V. Use a TXB0104.
/shrug. Or a battery pack. But sure, this would be very possible.

(blink, blink, trying to remember what I was thinking). Ah; for some reason I thought you were trying to power the Arduino over the serial port. The pins on the regular Arduino are TTL (my current project has the Arduino talking RS232 to a game controller and I have to use a Max233CPP to convert to/from RS232), so I think we're talking similar stuff now; sorry for missing your point.
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'B-ZaR' said:
An xkcd comic ( popped into my head after reading this :)
(Sorry if OT, but it's atleast remotely about atmels (not arduino but) and pandoras)
For me, this popped to my head (already a bit when reading this thread - more after that xkcd) :P :

Well, this thing is my bluetooth-controllable programmable RC-car. It's my "Theses" or "Final" (these google translator returned for the two finnish words i know for it("opinnäytetyö","lopputyö")) at my school. Essentially something to prove that I'm a good electronics-installer :P. The software for controlling it with my PC is essentially working (not release quality but nearly) etc.. Now i should (it's not essential but i would like to) write a program for my N6630 to control it - but Symbian C++ is a lot to learn for it... So I'm browsing the pandora forums again.
Anyways I'm hoping that i would already have the pandora so i could use it to control the car - the PC software (little something thrown together with ncurses and libc :P) would propably work on the pandora just by recompiling - and if reprogrammed to use the pandoras controls (this thing has PWM motor control so the analogs would be great) - essentially the pandora would be near an ideal controller for the car...
[In short the specs for the cars logic: ATmega88, Ezurio blu2i AT module, two A3953SBT motor controllers]
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