Arcade Style Controller. Any Recommendations?


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Aug 14, 2003
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Firstly, if I could afford an X-Arcade controller (preferrably 2-player!) then that's what I'd have, it looks perfect! But, I can't! So a cheaper alternative is needed.

The thing is though, I can't find one! There seem to have been a selection of offerings for various consoles of the years, but I've yet to find one that would do the job on my PC and GP2X.

I'm now thinking of just getting a Competition Pro joystick, but it's not what I'm really after. I'd prefer one that rests on the desk (ready for a battering!). I can't find anything out there!
On alternative if you don't mind doing a bit of work is to make one yourself. I bought a bundle pack that contains all the buttons and 2 joysticks from interesting devices (find it here).
You then just build the casing for the device and wire everything up to the circuit board of either an old keyboard (tricky I believe) or a coulple of cheap USB joypads.

This is quite a time consuming alternative to buying ready made controls but it should only cost round £50 to do (or maybe less)

There are lots of tutorials lying around on the net if you need more help.
Would a console controller to USB adaptor work? They make ones for playstation controllers you can buy at Radio Shack, and there is a wide selection of arcade sticks for PSOne/PS2.
yalborap posted on Feb 14 2007 at 10:11 AM said:
Would a console controller to USB adaptor work? They make ones for playstation controllers you can buy at Radio Shack, and there is a wide selection of arcade sticks for PSOne/PS2.
Yes. I've used playstation and dreamcast controllers in this way on the gp2x.
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Would be cool, if there were a "BoB-Arcade" for the GP2X. :) I imagine a Breakout-box in the shape of an 2-Player Arcade-Controller-Board where you simply plug the Gp2X in. The Arcade BoB could be plugged on TV and onyl power- and TV-cables come out.
The GP2X itself could act as a Status-Display for various things while the (2-Player) action is on TV.
I would build it if I could ^^
ruckage posted on Feb 14 2007 at 05:10 AM said:
On alternative if you don't mind doing a bit of work is to make one yourself. I bought a bundle pack that contains all the buttons and 2 joysticks from interesting devices (find it here).
You then just build the casing for the device and wire everything up to the circuit board of either an old keyboard (tricky I believe) or a coulple of cheap USB joypads.

This is quite a time consuming alternative to buying ready made controls but it should only cost round £50 to do (or maybe less)

There are lots of tutorials lying around on the net if you need more help.

I did this for my MAME cabinet, turned out pretty well. I recommend buying your parts from from, it's cheaper and you can get exactly what you want.

I used the Microsoft Sidewinder (parallel port) joystick as the "base" and soldered the Happ controls to it. It's really not that hard, and I'm not very good at soldering. I used the parallel version because it allows you to daisychain two joysticks together.
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yalborap posted on Feb 14 2007 at 02:11 AM said:
Would a console controller to USB adaptor work? They make ones for playstation controllers you can buy at Radio Shack, and there is a wide selection of arcade sticks for PSOne/PS2.
agreed! tekken 5+joystick: $30!
usb-ps2 adaptor: $5
playing metal slug on my computer priceless $35+tax :P
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Before I built my MAME cabinet, I bought an old Playstation arcade stick at a pawn shop for $5.00 and a PSX-to-USB controller adapter at Radio Shack for $15.00. It can be done cheaply, but it's gonna take a little shopping around.
The problem with these other joysticks is that generaly their quality just Sucks!

I have hunted for a good "arcade quality" joystick for months, and ended up buying the X-Arcade. It is "the" arcade joystick to bring home... that thing is bullet proof :-)

The only option is building one yourself, which would take you some time, but eventually be a lot cheaper.

If you want my advice, save enough to buy an X-Arcade or build one yourself...
I play competitive (for money that is) fighting games in arcades a lot so I know a little about this. The following is an excellent joystick resource.

There are probably very few resources that are better than this one. All kinds of sticks are discussed, reviewed, and made from scratch. You can even have someone build you a stick exactly how you want it!

Personally, I use a Hori for 3D fighters and a MAS (w/ competition joystick) for 2D fighters, but that's just me. X-Arcade is regarded as substandard (great case, poor joystick), but again, that's opinion.
Jaguarandine posted on Feb 15 2007 at 02:53 PM said:
X-Arcade is regarded as substandard (great case, poor joystick), but again, that's opinion.

I actually agree with you, when doing my cab, I was trying to do it cheaply. I bought the joysticks & buttons combo from x-arcade. It was cheap, only about $20.00 for 2 joysticks and around 12-14 buttons (can't remember) But the quality was comparable to the price - cheap. They would miss directions constantly, or not hold a direction when you wanted it to. They "worked" for about 2 months until I could afford to buy better joysticks. I ended up buying 2 4way/8way switchable joysticks (from the top!) from Ultimarc and haven't looked back. I really love playing pacman or rally-x with a 4 way joystick, then going to Marvel vs Capcom on the same joystick in 8way mode.

I do like how X-Arcade uses arcade "style" parts, so they can be swapped with better quality ones later, and that they have console adapters for them. Get an X-Arcade joystick, a modded x-box with MAME on it, and you're playing arcade quality games with a real arcade 'style' stick.

But, I'm an arcade perfectionist, I can't deal with cheap parts. If you're gonna do it right, save up the money & buy better quality parts!

Here's a site that may help you further:
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fusion_power posted on Feb 14 2007 at 12:49 PM said:
Would be cool at if there were a "BoB-Arcade" for the GP2X. :) I imagine a Breakout-box in the shape of an 2-Player Arcade-Controller-Board where you simply plug the Gp2X in. The Arcade BoB could be plugged on TV and onyl power- and TV-cables come out.
The GP2X itself could act as a Status-Display for various things while the (2-Player) action is on TV.
I would build it if I could ^^

That is an f'ing cool idea!!!!

I'll buy one!

BobBorakovitz posted on Feb 15 2007 at 07:45 PM said:
I ended up buying 2 4way/8way switchable joysticks (from the top!) from Ultimarc and

switchable from the top???? ok. i've not heard of that but that's what i want.
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well, if you don't want to build your own you could get one of those dc arcade sticks, they are quite good and cheap, they are also sold with usb.
So after looking up everywhere I can't seem to find my answer, In the end what is the best... to buy an X-Arcade or building one from scratch ?

Do the X-Arcade has this much problem with diagonals or that not too bad, if not, what are the other solution ?

Thanks for the info,
Well... I cannot argue with Jaguarandine or BobBorakovitz since I am not a hardcore arcade player, but I never had any problems with the X-Arcade. The joystick works fine, diagonals and all... It really feels like a real arcade stick.

The whole Joystick has a great build quality, maybe not for hardcore arcaders, but well above anything within the same price rance.

I also cannot argue that you'd probably be able to build a cheaper and better joystick, but I could not be bothered to do it, because it is a time consuming process, prone to errors (joystick and buttons placing can be a nightmare), and overall you'd still probably get a joystick that looked very unprofessional.
I'm asking myself If I realy want this :D

Playing with my Playstation controler is good but I'm sure that playing through X-Arcade would be REALY better :D

Will think, anyway, it's a quesiton of 150 CAD for the single one...

Finaly after my research, I"ll build my arcade controler, for the fun of it,

And I was wondering, what are the best joystick out there that realy worth
there price. I mean I'm a fan of Shmup and metal slug and some 4 way games...

From what I've read, Ultimark have short throw as Happ and sanwa as long throw...

So whas is the best in your oppinion...I'm looking into the Ultimark Mag Plus with the ball
stcik... I don't know also what to take, the long of the regular one...

Can somone who has experiance answer me ?

Those are some good stick choices you have there. For advice, I would suggest creating an account and making a post at the forums I linked to in a previous post. There is much experience over there and many would be happy to share their opinions.

In my opinion, I like Happ Competitions and 360s (be aware that a recent run of 360 sticks were found defective <_<), as those are tournament standards. However, that's just what I feel comfortable playing on. Sanwas are fanatastic, but as its a Japanese stick, most arcade games don't have them. Happ, Ultimark, and Sanwa are really top-notch brands, so quality is not an issue there. I'm not sure if I can say more than that. Go to SRK (the previously mentioned link), and you'll get more advice. Good luck.
After having asked the same think over the forum at I got somone who wanted to go buy Sanwa and ship it to me
for a reasonable price.. so !! I'm hardly waiting to build my stick !!!!!

Thanks for the advice of everyone,