Anyone Receive Their Tv-Out Cable Yet?


Nov 4, 2003
I'm just wondering if anyone has received their TV-out cable. I got my system back in February, but my TV-out cable still hasn't shipped.
OpenPandora Ltd. haven't even ordered the cables.

Considering the company that manufacture them can only make batches of 10000 cables and that a small percentage of people have ordered them (specially when you sum that both batches once sold and sent can account to a maximum of 8000 cables), I can understand why nothing has happened about that, and why the cables may be left in the dust forever.

You'll be better off taking your money back, and paying some of the gurus in these forums to build you one up.
I emailed openpandora about getting one, after a got my pandora. I can't remember how much they were originally, but they wanted £15 (didn't ask about p&p).

They must be made of gold. No wonder they are taking so long.

Seriously though, I wasn't tempted any more. Not at that price, and not without a firm date of when they are being made.

Yea, the wait on the cables is getting ridiculous. I pre-ordered on day one, so have been waiting more days than I care to count. I understand why they haven't bought them and shipped them yet but it still sucks. However, I won't ask for a refund, and I'll continue to wait as it was so long ago that I paid for them that the money has been out of thought for some time now and I don't want to strip any more money from OP.

Anyone who is interested can sign-up to buy the connectors needed for making home made tv-out cables here:
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
there's always USB to VGA adaptors... most every HDTV on the planet has VGA out...

Too big a CPU hit outputting video over USB to work for games though.

Also re: the 10,000 pieces barrier holding back the official AV cables, ED contradicted that long ago, price not quantity was the last reason given, if you exclude seismic activity.
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or someone should be looking for a different supplier who offers the willingness to do them at a lower quantity... the longer it takes, the more likely the money will get spent elsewhere and OPT has to make up the difference internally to get us the cables we already paid for. Honestly, what they should have done was tack on an extra $25 or so and went with an HDMI port or Displayport connection vs something totally proprietary... the two biggest things holding the project back as a whole are the proprietary parts of things... the GPU and the Vid out cables...
First they were done and sitting in a warehouse. Then there was a minimum order of 10,000 needed. Then Craig said no, a reasonable order (like 1,000) was possible but the Chilean earthquake had disrupted the supply line. Now we seem to be back at 10,000 needed? Evildragon had said I believe around December that they were waiting for production to resume and would order them in a couple of months. Now 4 months in, well who knows. Then again, CC was supposed to ramp up production, the "Premiums" were supposed to speed things up based on that. Nothing has appeared to work as planned at all for this project. Which of course makes it's completion even more of an accomplishment. I shudder to think what all the RMA and separate cable shipping is going to total for these guys. Especially if the LCD ribbon's keep failing. I know ED mentioned the new ones are in, but he also said they would finish off the old ones, which have me fearing that so many people will have a failed cable within a year that it will destroy any headway they were making on getting a profit, just on shipping and new replacement cables, that stuff adds up. Here's hoping it all works out. Frankly I wouldn't be opposed to say having MonkeyChops' and my video cable shipped together and I can just pick it up from him or something since he's in the same city. Might want to organize some sort of group shipping to save money where possible. But that alone could be more complicated than the savings are worth.
I don't think anyone would object (in fact, it would even be more convenient for many) if instead of the promised 10ft cable they saved money and shipped a short cable maybe only 1ft or less, with the AV in/out sockets rather than plugs on it. The remaining cables most of us already have or can get for pennies locally. There'd be a substantial weight saving for all the shipping too.
Asmo said:
I don't think anyone would object (in fact, it would even be more convenient for many) if instead of the promised 10ft cable they saved money and shipped a short cable maybe only 1ft or less, with the AV in/out sockets rather than plugs on it. The remaining cables most of us already have or can get for pennies locally. There'd be a substantial weight saving for all the shipping too.

At this point some connectors with bare wires would be better than what's available, most of my cables that come with products seem to be 3 or 6 ft cables. 10ft is overkill so if they can save money going to 6, they should. 3 might be a bit short for it being a handheld as it doesn't exactly allow much extension from a TV side or back, many TV's these days don't have "front" AV's and I think all S-Video are on back. A 3ft cable and your Panda has to sit on the top of your TV bezel at best.
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You could just use ordinary phono/S-Video cables pretty much all of us already have if the Official Pandora one just had Sockets on it rather than plugs (female as opposed to male connectors). No need even for extension cables, and you could carry the minimum wire needed at any time.

An update on it is long overdue, whatever the plan is.
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
Honestly, what they should have done was tack on an extra $25 or so and went with an HDMI port or Displayport connection vs something totally proprietary...

They could just use something like 6-8 pin mini-DIN connector without spending extra money for an additional video chip. They are not as standard as 4-pin S-Video or HDMI but popular enough to be found in an on-line store. With 8 pins one can easily cover S-Video + composite + audio output.
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I wonder if they were so heavily bent on being open and unique that they accidentally became proprietary...

displayport would have been nice as an option as well...
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
I wonder if they were so heavily bent on being open and unique that they accidentally became proprietary...
My money's on the Pandora 2 having an HDMI port ;)
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