Anyone reading Super Mario


May 31, 2011
Cyberia (Wels Austria)
I dont know this cat, and Im not trying to sell his book or anything but I have to say it is an interesting read about the history of Nintendo and Mario. I dont want to sound like a persnickety ass but there are some mistakes related to video games that kind of get me, but it is simple to over look them. The book is really structured around the US market so it might not be nearly as fun to read for our non north American friends. It is just a great trip where you feel the incredible negative pressure of nostalgia, Im going to be 29 soon and I can remember pretty well all the events he talks about except for Donkey Kong in the arcades.

Im not finished with the book yet and I dont want to give any spoilers away but, turns out our princess is in another castle...

If anyone checks it out, I would like to know what they think or if they have other books about video game history they would recommend, because nothing says nerd like reading a Mario book by the pool while checking right into the hotel Mario. :lol:
Haven't read it, I should, have you read Don't Bother Me Mom I'm Learning? It was pretty interesting..
It pretty much takes a look at video games as a medium with greater potential, one that can be used to educate, not always directly, i.e. DO 1000 EQUATIONS TO PLAY THIS ANIMATION but rather more indirectly. It's a pretty good read, I must say.
I thought my wife had picked up the second book recently but turns out not. One to look for. On a related theme though is the documentary 'Moral Kombat' looking at if videogames have good or bad effects on kids its available on Lovefilm for people with a subscription but no doubt elsewhere too. Some good interviews amongst it.

The Mario book sounds worth a read too, though I imagine Prometheus' book will outsell it and be more factual
It pretty much takes a look at video games as a medium with greater potential, one that can be used to educate, not always directly, i.e. DO 1000 EQUATIONS TO PLAY THIS ANIMATION but rather more indirectly. It's a pretty good read, I must say.

There is a so much room in video games for education. I will pick this book up and give it a go but what comes to my mind quickly is pokemon. Instead of getting kids to learn 150 new made up names and words, why not borrow from something in nature. I mean we have like 115 elements now use those. What difference does it make in the end.

Cesium I choose YOU!!!

Hell I learned my Greek Alphabet from Tie Fighter :P

It seems like a hard lesson for people to understand that taking in information can be learning it can be as simple as having a car speedometer have both Miles and Kilometers on it at the same time. This person will have a better idea how to evaluate the apeed in their non native unit base. So much wasted potential...

Well I'm off to vote for America's next top model and then watch a Iron chef where they tell you what they are making but don't tell you how to do it. :lol:

Tom tried that twice but it wasn't too popular

Prometheus to my knowledge is writing a Megaman based novel or factual work and is using purely the Pandora to do this via Mousepad. She finds the Pandora perfectly acceptable for speedy text input and I guess the pocketable nature, allows here to add thoughts/re-word things on the fly. No one knows her intentions for the book, or any release date/publication method etc yet given her knowledge and passion on the the subject matter, we can expect it to be a good read one day and some Pandora promotion into the mix.
Prometheus to my knowledge is writing a Megaman based novel or factual work and is using purely the Pandora to do this via Mousepad. She finds the Pandora perfectly acceptable for speedy text input and I guess the pocketable nature, allows here to add thoughts/re-word things on the fly. No one knows her intentions for the book, or any release date/publication method etc yet given her knowledge and passion on the the subject matter, we can expect it to be a good read one day and some Pandora promotion into the mix.
Just want to clear up any confusion here - it's a (fiction) novel based on the setting of the original series.

I have no idea how it'll be published, but I'd still like to pitch it to Capcom once it's done and see where it goes from there. (And yes, the dedication will mention it having been written, edited, and proof-read on a Pandora.)

My apologies for the off-topicness - it's just that I already had a PM asking about it on the basis of the mention here, so it was easier to just post here. :P

Anyway, on-topic, I haven't read the book, I must admit. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I get driven absolutely stark-raving-crackers by glaring errors (I particularly disliked GAMEPlan's Encyclopedia of Game.Machines for this, especially because they only published the errata - of which I seem to recall there was a lot - on their website, instead of publishing a revised edition of the book, which has helped to perpetuate some of the errors), so the mention of mistakes puts me off quite a bit. :P
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One example of a mistake (oh lord i might come across as a cry baby here but...) the author is mentioning about the significance of "The new Super Mario Brothers" on DS. He says that the last time there was a 2D mario game was 92' I mean what would you call Super Mario World 2' I know you basically only get to control Yoshi but I consider it a 2D Mario game. (so maybe that example was a little subjective) The other one that comes to mind is he references Wart in Super Mario Bros 2 (NES) as Bowser. I'm not sure what happened to my friends in the UK and EU but back in the US yeah we totally got a sprite rip off of Doki Doki panic and it was a villain named Wart not Bowser who was at the pit of the nightmare.

So yeah now that it is all out there all pink and naked that I get a little bit perturbed when i read errors like that, you make your own opnion if that is going to derail the whole experience. It doesn't for me but it makes for a rough chapter every once in a while. I am still not done but I would still give it the Halcyon 8 Thumbs up out of 10.

So can we get some more detail on this mega man story?

Can Mega man charge his mega buster? Is Beat in it or Rush in it? I dig cats, can you put Tango in it, poor cat never got much love from that series. Oh oh also see if you can work in a baby between Cut man and Quick man, you know someone who runs with scissors?
Ok so I finished the book, Final score, 8/10 a fun read that will probably teach you something you didn't know/give you a different perspective and at the very least, walk you down memory lane as you relive your experiences and connections to all those days gone by.