Anyone Here Do Fantasy Art?


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Oct 29, 2007
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I have an idea for a game and will hopefully get time to work on it. It would be an almost classic style, 2D role-playing game similar to the Final Fantasy series except Greek Mythology based as opposed to Medieval themed. I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in working on artwork for such a game and how the regular developers go about this process of getting in touch with people and acquiring outsourced artwork from the community (or elsewhere). I don’t want any artwork just yet. Let me get the basic framework of the game up and running first. I’m really just wondering if there are people out there that could make my game look better than what I can do on my own.

Thanks for your input in advance and sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. It's kind of borderline.
quasist said:
Isn't greek art about naked men and women with severed arms? :)
No, but I have some videos like that ;)
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I'm absolutely interested in polishing up the graphics. Let me know if I can help when the time comes
EdCa22 said:
Sorry, exactly what kind of fantasy are we talking about here?
The vision that I have in my head right now would be Final Fantasy 6 (FF3 in the US). Standard SNES, 2D, non-animated monsters. The only thing that would be animated would be the main character and the "town" people. Since it centers around ancient Greece, obviously anything that is exclusively midieval won't work (dragons, heavy steel armor etc).

I plan on keeping the main storyline dialog based so that I don't need a bunch of fancy full-screen images/animations to make that work.

I'm not really expecting anything quite as nice graphically as FF6 but I'd l like it to look as nice as possible. I really wouldn't even mind it if it had a very cartoony feel just as long as it doesn't look like a 5 year old drew up the artwork. I'm not really that picky. Making the game fun and interesting are my top priorities.
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I'm up for concepts. It's all I can really do right now. the joke of a system I once had for digital production is in pieces.
banjeed said:
I'm absolutely interested in polishing up the graphics. Let me know if I can help when the time comes
Cool, thanks! I'll let you know.
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