skeezix said:
Anyone? Send to skeezix [{<at]>) .. *dieing*
Hey Skeezix,
I've sent the file to you three times already. All of which were to the addy you pm'd me,....what gives? I'll send it again......maybe 4th times the charm. I thought you had this long ago. weeks even! sheesh!
oh really?
since you didn't say you'd done it I'd just assumed you hadn't. Many thanks
PM me the email addy you would be snding from? Or the subject?
I will seek through my spam trap ..
Worst case try sending direct to my mail server.. skeezix <A!> .. minimize the middle men.
IS it a giant file(s)? maybe someone is eating it so direct would work?
I'll go digging..
ah, looks like I got it this time.. 23MB RAR file. (17MB in actual size)
Maybe your ISP ate it on the way out?
Thanks guys!
Awesome, all extracts fine!