Anyone Get Pilot Wings For Snes To Work?


Still Fresh
Jun 15, 2002
I haven't had any luck on my GP getting Pilot Wings to work with the emulator. The startup screens and menus all work flawlessly at perfect speed; However, the problem comes in during gameplay. It is completely unplayable, unresponsive and slower than slow, which is a real letdown as this is one of my favorite SNES games. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else had any luck getting the game to work on their GP?

Starfox and Pilotwings have a chip inside the cart itself, I believe it is called the Super-FX chip. Thats why its hard to emulate.
For the longest time Pilot Wings did NOT work on the PC SNES emus, it wasnt until alot later in the SNES EMU's development that they got it working at full speed. Its just one of those games that doesnt like to be emulated.

Pilot Wings uses the DSP chip. A special chip that enhanced Mode7, only a few games used this chip.
I think its possible, just unlikely.

I did a quick search on the Super-FX chip and there are actually quite a few different chips beside it:

C4 by Capcom allows better semitransparency

SA1 by Nintendo does numerous things

DSP 1/2 by Seta does many mode7 tricks

SuperFX/2 by Argonaut can render polygons

The problem with emulating chips is that you have to make a new core for each one. ( lots of work )