Anyone Else Lost Interest?

Not losing interest, not one bit. There's still nothing like (actually, nothing even CLOSE to) the pandora on the horizon in terms of portability + controls + power + openness. Even if there was, I bet it would cost double to triple compared to pandora. Also I just hate the restrictions sony, apple and others are crippling their devices with. If I buy a device, I expect to be able to use it as I want, not as someone else intended. I think it's absolutely wrong that people have to jailbreak/use custom firmware on their devices to use them the way they want. And when they do, they risk bricking their devices and losing warranty. For what? Imagine if you could only install microsoft-approved software in windows. Grraaah! It just drives me crazy even considering what these power-hungry entities would do if they had their way unrivaled.

Whew. Glad that's out of my system. Carry on.
B-ZaR said:
Not losing interest, not one bit. There's still nothing like (actually, nothing even CLOSE to) the pandora on the horizon in terms of portability + controls + power + openness. Even if there was, I bet it would cost double to triple compared to pandora. Also I just hate the restrictions sony, apple and others are crippling their devices with. If I buy a device, I expect to be able to use it as I want, not as someone else intended. I think it's absolutely wrong that people have to jailbreak/use custom firmware on their devices to use them the way they want. And when they do, they risk bricking their devices and losing warranty. For what? Imagine if you could only install microsoft-approved software in windows. Grraaah! It just drives me crazy even considering what these power-hungry entities would do if they had their way unrivaled.

Whew. Glad that's out of my system. Carry on.
i have to say i am losing inerest, a tiny bit.
Bu this is becouse the pandora is being catched up by other devices.
The only thing that stands in the way, is the very nice gaming controls.
If a company adds that into some new kind of umpc, the pandora is beaten.
The pandora is not really cheap for the europians, we had to pay alot more then they payed in america.

so if there comes a umpc that beats the pandora, im gonna cancel and order that umpc/console.

The pandora still has the crown, but its only a matter of time when someone else takes that place.
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For the UMPCing crowd it seems like thouchbook could be an alternative. The screen size + detachable keyboard are pros of the touchbook. But in terms of mobile gaming there is no competition on the market. And though some people think there will be some soon, I'm not aware of any plans to release a gaming-enabled pandora-like device any time soon.
Thank you for your support, I'm sure it goes without saying if it was not for your support nothing like this could ever happen again.

There still isn't anything like the Pandora on the market because what we have made is a surprisingly complex device, and many companies would not take the risk.

Consider this:

Once the Pandora is 'out there' there is no doubt that a Pandora2 will happen - and hopefully we can continue that with a 3 and 4.

Each time it should get much easier for us and we can use more cutting edge tech faster, put in more of your requested hardware and have better access to the latest chips, so the future for open devices will be interesting to say the least.

Once these 100 are fully tested and confirmed a success it's full steam ahead, we will make photos/video of those 100.
craigix said:
Thank you for your support, I'm sure it goes without saying if it was not for your support nothing like this could ever happen again.

There still isn't anything like the Pandora on the market because what we have made is a surprisingly complex device, and many companies would not take the risk.

Consider this:

Once the Pandora is 'out there' there is no doubt that a Pandora2 will happen - and hopefully we can continue that with a 3 and 4.

Each time it should get much easier for us and we can use more cutting edge tech faster, put in more of your requested hardware and have better access to the latest chips, so the future for open devices will be interesting to say the least.

Once these 100 are fully tested and confirmed a success it's full steam ahead, we will make photos/video of those 100.
Thanks Craig for your response....
I am sure everyone is as anxious and impatient as can be for this project. I think it goes without saying that the OpenPandora team are JUST as anxious to get this out there in the market place as we all are to become a "user."
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Yes, I'm also getting fed up with waiting. These endless delays are slowly exceeding my tolerance.
I really should have decided for a different mobile gaming device last year... any device is better than having none at all. If I had simply bought a PSP at least I could have played SOMETHING.
In the last 9 months I've finished my degree and my life's changed quite a bit. I'm not sure if I'm that interested in such a device anymore.
I really start to feel like an idiot for believing for so long that the Pandora would be finished anytime soon. I'm wondering if I should get my money back... or what's left of it (how much does one get back? 70 or 80%? ...due to conversion losses or something like that)
craigix said:
Thank you for your support, I'm sure it goes without saying if it was not for your support nothing like this could ever happen again.

There still isn't anything like the Pandora on the market because what we have made is a surprisingly complex device, and many companies would not take the risk.

Consider this:

Once the Pandora is 'out there' there is no doubt that a Pandora2 will happen - and hopefully we can continue that with a 3 and 4.

Each time it should get much easier for us and we can use more cutting edge tech faster, put in more of your requested hardware and have better access to the latest chips, so the future for open devices will be interesting to say the least.

Once these 100 are fully tested and confirmed a success it's full steam ahead, we will make photos/video of those 100.
if you make a pandora 2, with new features, more ram processor and all that stuff, i think i wont buy it again.
I loved the adventure of updates, but the adventure also came with the big downside called waiting...My patience is coming to an end. I dont want to get through that again for a next console. 2~5 months is ok, but the pandora has been such a long road.... :(
But thanks for the update, and lets hope the first 100 can be tested fast :)
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craigix said:
Consider this:

Once the Pandora is 'out there' there is no doubt that a Pandora2 will happen - and hopefully we can continue that with a 3 and 4.

OMG new dilemma: Do I cancel my preorder and just wait for Pandy2? :P
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I, for one, don't think the iPhone even compares to the Pandora. It may be similar in terms or raw power, but... no built-in keyboard, no built-in gaming controls, no OPEN-ness. Why give Apple your money to restrict your choices then have to hack your own device to use it how you want? The Pandora is so far ahead on philosophy that every other way it is better is just a bonus, IMHO.

If there's a Pandora2 down the line, I'll definitely consider it - as long as it doesn't become available within the first year of Pandora1 availability (that time should be spent optimizing the Pandora and getting a 100% solid idea of where you want to go with the Pan2 - not rushing out a minor upgrade as V2).

What Craig said about the possibility of future versions isn't surprising: I've been thinking for a while that the guys will have a good platform to evolve, if they ever get through all the issues; They could shoot for the same mb size, and case revisions will be much easier to handle that the complete creation from scratch that they've had to go through. And, if word of mouth makes the Pandora1 sell well enough, maybe they won't have to rely on any pre-order money to build the RTM model next time.
Oh my... PandoraPC, the revival of the ARM Desktop? I can only imagine where pushing the ARM this hard would go. When's the last time ARM made desktop processors, anyway? XD

Should I be satisfied enough with the Pandora, I'd probably order the later iterations and keep the old ones for utilities. I mean, it only takes a Pentium II to make a powerful external firewall device for computer networks. Or, I could probably use the wireless/bluetooth and use the Pandora as a gamepad on larger machines. There's simply too many good things you can do with a little computer that works the way a little computer should.
borgqueenx said:
[ ... ] the pandora is being catched up by other devices.
The only thing that stands in the way, is the very nice gaming controls.
If a company adds that into some new kind of umpc, the pandora is beaten.

That's not the only thing that makes Pandora unique, although it's one of its most striking features. Pandora has a real full-size USB host port and two standard full-size SD slots. Pandora is designed by a small group of geeks to suit purposes that they see fit and then some. Pandora is natively running a Linux distribution which - as far as I understand - is much less dumbed down than any typical Linux running on a laptop or UMPC these days. It's a completely open platform. Currently, there's just no competition. None.
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Hello all,

I would like to take this opportunity to tell why I choose to preorder a Pandora.
I am an embedded systems designer I have big interest in embedded Linux. Some months ago I was looking for some board or device with an ARM microprocessor where I could experiment Linux.
I was thinking to buy a Beagle board or an Openmoko when I found the Pandora.
Even if I am not in "game" I found in love for Pandora. With Pandora I can use Linux on ARM and I can use it as a portable device. Pandora remember me the "old" PSION 5.
The screen dimention, the keyboard, the powerful CPU make the Pandora an ideal device for me.
There is also another interesting fact in Open Pandora and it's on the Open word.
This is one of the first examples where a community of people join together to "create" a new device.
There are people involved in first person in design and developement and other that just supported the idea with preorder. This is something new.
I payed for my Pandora and I am still waiting but I am proud to be a small part of this community.
I understand all the difficulty of those that are involved in first production of Pandora and I will support them as I can.
In the mean time, while I was waiting for Pandora I bought a Nokia N810, it's the ideal gadget for me but it should have a more powerful CPU and SD support, so Pandora will be the ideal UMPC device even if I will never play any game with it.

I just wanted to tell my idea, sorry for annoying

fiori_musicali said:
borgqueenx said:
[ ... ] the pandora is being catched up by other devices.
The only thing that stands in the way, is the very nice gaming controls.
If a company adds that into some new kind of umpc, the pandora is beaten.

That's not the only thing that makes Pandora unique, although it's one of its most striking features. Pandora has a real full-size USB host port and two standard full-size SD slots. Pandora is designed by a small group of geeks to suit purposes that they see fit and then some. Pandora is natively running a Linux distribution which - as far as I understand - is much less dumbed down than any typical Linux running on a laptop or UMPC these days. It's a completely open platform. Currently, there's just no competition. None.
im sorry but i think thats a opinion, and a matter what you find important.
I personally see much competition around the pandora. But like i said: the pandora still has the crown.
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borgqueenx said:
im sorry but i think thats a opinion, and a matter what you find important.
I personally see much competition around the pandora. But like i said: the pandora still has the crown.

You're right, it's a matter of what you want and appreciate in a device of this category. In my criteria, the Pandora is still alone in a league of its own.
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There simply isn't another device as capable pandora or I would have canceled long ago. Yes there are more powerful devices (any of the atom MIDs), but they don't have all of the controls and they aren't open.

Both are extremely important:
The controls will allow you to use whatever you find comfortable. For example mouse control: you can use a stylus and triggers, stylus/joypad buttons, left nub/trigger, etc. The D-pad should be great with all the work that has gone into it. Overall, the controls are set up like the playstation controller (minus a set of triggers of course) which should be familiar to anyone. Also the device is open; meaning the people can change anything they like to with the software. Anyone unfamiliar to linux will be surprised by the magnitude and quality of free software out there. There will be multiple apps to do everyday tasks, just download them all and keep the one you prefer. Even the hardware will be open in a sense. OpenPandora wont tell you (and those Chinese knockoff companies) how to build your own pandora, but it has been designed to be extensible via soldering points.

We all know there are 2 handhelds that use the same chip thats in the pandora. Neither offer a fraction of the control options. Neither are open.
I haven't lost interest in the Pandora, but I have lost interest in reading the crybaby posts of crybabies who are getting all worked up because the new iPhone is using similar hardware to the Pandora and waiting so long (amongst other things) makes their bottoms hurt. And by amongst other things, I mean penises. Penises make their bottoms hurt.

I mean no offense to the majority of the people who read this. To those of you who are offended, suck it and feel free to click the little minus sign under this post.