Anyone else here played No Man's Sky yet?

If you can jet up to the side of the floating island, then you can climb the vertical wall without using any of your jet pack fuel as long as you keep pressed forward against the wall. You keep using the jet button, but it doesn't use any jet pack fuel this way.

There is this other thing you can do with the jet pack, and that is run, melee, and jump with the jet pack. That will move you forward faster than running. You have to immediately jump after pressing melee. If you do this maneuver all the time, then you don't need a lot of stamina to run. There is a similar maneuver near the end of the game Half Life when you get this suit that lets you jump long distances fast.
The island is conic shaped, inverted with the point downwards - I can reach the apex of the underside, but as it's about 40 degree slope upwards, the jetpack won't stick :(
Some clever people have figured out that there is an adjacency bonus for having similar items adjacent to each other in the inventory of the exo-suit or the space ship. I wonder how the developers came up with this. One of the conclusions is that having exo-suit bonuses in the sequence +2 +3 +1 or +1 +3 +2 maximizes the bonuses. Perhaps if you arrange your jet pack bonuses this way, then you will be able to rise high enough to reach your ship on top of the floating rock formation. If the rock formation happens to be destructible, then you might be able to dig holes in it with the grenade launcher. That's the technique I've seen someone else use to get out of caves, by shooting straight up and flying up to the surface.

This is really sounding like my kind of game...

What are the chances of getting it to be 'playable' on a 2.4Ghz i5 dual core with Intel HD4400 and 8gb ram? ... I've tweaked my registry to report over 1.3Gb dedicated video memory (no option in bios to actually allocate it though).

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I've heard the game is quite demanding. I would not expect it to run playable on those specs.
Based on how many straight up untrue claims were made I think that's only fair.

I just tried it for the first time last night, and you know what it wasn't bad. Very interesting scenery and gameplay, not blowing my mind but you can tell they wanted to nail the look.

I'm going to keep trying it in between obduction plays, just for funsies.
So is there anything stopping me from downloading it, playing it a bit to see what all the hype was about, then getting a refund?
The Angry Review says the claim that spaceships go to and from the planets to trade is false, but that is actually true. You can see spaceships from a distance following thin, gray trade routes to and from the space station in each system. The gray lines connect the space station to moons and planets in the system. When your ship is on a landing pad, other ships will circle around the landing pad in the air, waiting for their turn to land. You can use this fact to help find your way back to your ship if you wander far away from your ship to do some mining.

Each person's game experience in No Man's Sky will be different from other peoples' experiences. I imagine that some people are experiencing planet after planet of desolate landscapes and might be disappointed. I once visited a desolate moon and went inside one building to find an AtlasPass room that contained plants growing inside, and it was a stark contrast to the exterior. One person wrote that there were no butterflies in the game, but I have encountered what look like butterflies. I have also seen serpent-like things floating in the air. I have not encountered any stargate-like portals that take a player from one planet to another. I have also not seen any Dune-like giant sand worms. I have also never seen giant crashed ships.
It looks like it would almost be a half decent game. But I think I may be confusing the game engine from the game it's self. The lack of building & actual mining aka minecraft/terraria/starbound really kills it for me.

If they went full on polish and storyline quests then fine, make that. If you want procedurally generated everything, then make it more raw like minecraft. But this mix of trying to take the wrong parts of polished with the wrong parts of procedure generated just looks very hollow.


Their Twitter has been made private afterwards, then they were saying they got hacked, then changed it to "No Man's Sky' Twitter hacked by a disgruntled developer", then changed to "identity of the culprit unknown".

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What a trainwreck.
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I actually enjoyed what I did play of it, but surely not worth the full $60 I paid for it. I declared that I won the game when I got every upgrade I possible can in a ship.
Seems like lately is one of the most sold games on GOG, at least when on sale.

Still it costs too much for me, but seems that after all the updates most people says it now is the game that should have been from the beginning.