Anyone Down To Port Bad Toys 3D?


Still Fresh
Mar 23, 2011
Bad Toys 3d is an overly simplistic fps from the 90s, I think, gameplay doesn't go further than what you could do in Wolfenstein but it's still a fun little game, if only for nostalgia's sake. I have the full 25 level version and I'm willing to let anyone willing to attempt a Wiz port "borrow" it (WINK! WIIIIIIINK!)
Anyone down to try this?
No alternatives? Would it be possible, for instance, to configure it to start up in fullscreen as opposed to a window, and run it through dosbox?
I apologize in advance if this is a ridiculous question
To make a port = Adapt the source code and compile for another machine.
If you don't have source, you can't adapt anything.

If it's a windows program you can't emulate in Wiz dosbox (needs more cpu and mem).